Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

メディアも悪い 他

2011年08月15日 15時31分49秒 | Weblog


戦没者者追悼式 参列者、一層の世代交代 「妻」1%未満



石原知事「あいつら日本人じゃない」 閣僚靖国参拝見送りに 
2011.8.15 13:21










社説:大震災と終戦記念日 「ふるさと復興」総力で






Nukes should be left in 20th century – Ahmadinejad to RT
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Published: 14 August, 2011

Nuclear energy vs. nukes
Recently, Iran has stepped up construction works on a new set of centrifuges to produce highly enriched uranium. The West describes it as a “provocative act.” However, the Iranian leader insists that his country’s ultimate objective is to develop peaceful nuclear energy, while nuclear weapons are prohibited by Islam.
Anyway, it is the means of the past century, he added.
“We do not want nuclear weapons. We do not seek nuclear weapons. This is an inhuman weapon. Because of our beliefs we are against that. Firstly, our religion says it is prohibited. We are religious people,” Mahmud Ahmadinejad explained. “Nuclear weapons have no capability today. If any country tries to build a nuclear bomb, they in fact waste their money and resources and they create great danger for themselves.”
The President of Iran insists that no country possessing nuclear weapons has benefited from it.
The Americans have nuclear bombs and nuclear weapons and could they win in Iraq and Afghanistan? Could the nuclear weapons help the Israelis to gain victory in Lebanon and Gaza? Could nuclear weapons help the former Soviet Union from collapse?”he said. “Nuclear weapons are the weapons of the previous century. This century is the century of knowledge and thinking, the century of human beings, the century of culture and logic.”
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pointed out that nuclear weapons are not going to be the determining force in the world in future:
“It is about the power of people, not weapons. Our goal in the country and the goal of our people is peace for all. Nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none. This is our goal.”
He also pointed out that Iran’s activities in the sphere of nuclear energy are closely monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA:
“There have been no documents against Iran from the Agency. It's just a claim by the US that we are after nuclear weapon. But they have no evidence that Iran is diverting resources for that purpose."


アメリカは核兵器をもっていたがイラクやアフガンで勝利したか? レバノンやガザで、イスラエルの核兵器が役にたったか?核兵器があったからといってソ連の崩壊を防げたか?ーーーと。





A Land Without Children
Why Won't Germans Have More Babies?


The Childcare Conundrum

Joy Denalane, 38, is a well-known German singer and the mother of two children. The fact that her husband, Max Herre, is also a famous singer means they are both spend a lot of time on the road. Such an arrangement isn't exactly conducive to raising a family. So, if they hope to continue pursuing their careers, having access to daycare is essential.

"I spent my first three years as a mother in (the southwestern state of) Baden-Württemberg," Denalane says. "They were shocking." At the facility her child attended, daycare was only available until noon and then for another two hours in the afternoon. "That's completely inadequate for a working mother, even if she has a partner who helps out."

Germany still suffers from a glaring paucity of childcare options, such as full-day kindergartens and daycare centers. Recently passed laws stipulate that every young child will have a legal right to childcare beginning Aug. 1, 2013. To meet that deadline, Germany will have to have 750,000 childcare slots, but it's still 280,000 slots behind.・・・・・

としても、先日取り上げたようなEconomist のような記事はドイツに対してでてはこないだろう。
それとも、German's sexist labour market Hit the road とかいう題名で、アメリカに移住したドイツ人女性でも探してくるかな?(アメリカでの居住費、授業料、ベビーシッター費を考えると、そんなことするひといるのかわからんが・・・)

Cornelia Dahlke, a consultant at an airline, has some experience in this matter. When she became pregnant with her first child, she says her boss said: "The good ones always get pregnant." When she announced she was pregnant with her second child, she says her boss was less friendly, telling her that "stopping at one child might have been a good idea."

When Dahlke first started at the company, her employer promised flexible working hours and moral support. But things didn't turn out that way. Although her employer agreed to her request for a 30-hour work week, the contract also stated that her hours could be scheduled to meet "business requirements."

After informing people at work that she was expecting a second child, the complaints of Dahlke's boss turned into actions: He cancelled an expected raise and ignored her promotion requests.


When it comes to money matters, however, the government does have some sway. But things aren't looking good in this respect, either. Many people still ask themselves whether they can afford to have a child because, for most of them, doing so would involve significant sacrifices.


Critics describe the proposed children subsidy as a "stove premium" because it creates an incentive for women to care for their children at home -- the traditional but long-outdated model. Still, this idea of the stay-at-home mother seems to be more deeply embedded in the minds of Germans than with residents of other countries held up as models in this matter, such as France, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

For example, housewives get their health insurance through their husbands, who in turn enjoy tax advantages by having wives without outside jobs. This only increases the disadvantages for families with two working parents.

According to Schröder, there is still "an extremely tense debate" in Germany. She believes that woman, in particular, are faced with a serious challenge. "No matter how they do it, they are doing it wrong," she says. "When a woman focuses completely on her children, she is the picture of the perfect housewife. But if she wants to keep working full time, she is seen as being selfish." And whenever a woman tries to combine the two, Schröder adds, "some call her a bad mother and others call her a latte macchiato mother."






Europe's Angry Youth
Flash Points Across the Continent


ロンドンの暴動をうけて ヨーロッパの若者の失業率は高く、他人事ではない、と。




China orders petrochemical plant shutdown after protests
Tens of thousands protested in Dalian after protective dike around factory was breached by rain and high waves in storm

reddit this
Jonathan Watts, Asia environment correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 14 August 2011

動画: Protest forces China to close chemical plant euronews







Children are not jeans to be returned or discadred if they don't fit
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Published: 11 August, 2011, 23:37

Still, it’s a bit unclear to me. Did the continuous coverage mean to divert Americans’ attention away from the real issues threatening the country, or, has American society finally realized the importance inobserving children’s rights not only in words, but in deeds as well?

According to Children Advocacy Center statistics, more than 266.000 children in this country experienced ill-treatment last year. Among them 184,087 children reported sexual abuse and 44,029 children reported physical abuse.

A group of children who seem to be at extra risk of abuse are those adopted from Russia. Stories of children killed, injured or intimidated are frequently in the news. Since 1992, at least seventeen Russian kids were killed by their adopted parents. The real numbers might be much higher as thousands of Russian kids have been
brought into the US since the Soviet Union’s collapse, often without proper documentation and parental screening. Their fate remains unclear. The most cynical incident known, however, occurred last year,when Torry Hansen, a Tennessee woman simply sent her adopted son back to Russia. The 7-year old travelled all the way alone without luggage but with a note from the so-called mom, saying: “I return him”.


2年ぶり豚のロデオ 見事な手綱さばきに拍手




Comic Books' Secret Identity Revealed In 'Supergods'


And, he says, comic books provide valuable role models for a new generation of superheroes. "When new superheroes appear on the planet ― real superheroes ― they'll have all this material to study and figure out, 'What are we supposed to be and do?'"


Two children among six dead after knife attack in Jersey flat
By Richard Hall

Mr Thorpe said he believed all the victims were members of the same family, while a neighbour said she believed the family was Polish.




August 12, 2011 3:43 PM
Police: La. man exposed genitals because he "gets aroused" at Walmart
By Casey Glyn


August 11, 2011 8:50 AM
Woman, 24, beat girl, 12, for eyeing boyfriend, say Conn. cops
By Barry Leibowitz Topics Daily Blotter

Candace Kiley (Credit: WFSB) (CBS/AP) NORTH BRANFORD, Conn. - You may need to read this one twice.
A 24-year-old Connecticut woman is charged with assaulting a 12-year-old girl.

Police say the 24-year-old woman believed the 12-year-old girl was eyeing her 30-year-old boyfriend.



