Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The son of the murdered pro-Chinese Kim Jong-nam should take over Kim Jong-un

2017年04月27日 00時13分19秒 | Weblog

Cheollima Civil DefenseのWebサイトには「緊急時に(金正男の)家族の人道的避難を支援したオランダ政府、中国政府、米国政府、そして匿名の政府に感謝します。(中略)突然の支援を求められたとき、私たちに迅速で力強い支援をくださった韓国駐在オランダ大使エンブレヒツ様に特に感謝いたします」と書かれており、金正男暗殺事件後、行方が分からなくなっているキム・ハンソル 


金 漢率(キム・ハンソル)氏が家系的に正統性があるし、思想も穏健なので、後継にしては、と。

But where is this young descendant of the Baekdu bloodline now? Kim Han-sol immediately went into hiding after his father was murdered with an internationally-banned chemical agent. A video surfaced on March in which a person claiming to be Kim Han-sol thanked “the governments of The Netherlands, China, the United States and a fourth unnamed country” for providing emergency humanitarian assistance to protect him and his family. An official in South Korea’s National Intelligence Service said that the man in the video is Kim Han-sol.

Since then, Kim Han-sol, his mother and his sister have vanished without a trace. Hopefully he is in Chinese protective custody. And, if so, the United States may wish to discreetly discuss with Beijing contingency plans for placing this Manchurian candidate as a stand-in leader if regime collapse comes to Pyongyang. This young man may prove to be the best hope for avoiding chaos, including a potential nuclear conflagration, on the Korean peninsula.



