Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

脇 他

2011年08月18日 01時30分16秒 | Weblog

AUGUST 17, 2011 · 1:03 PM
Boston Bar Faces Lawsuit, Accused Of Barring Black Patrons

Massachusetts AG Martha Coakley is taking legal action against Peggy O’Neil’s, saying Monday that the watering hole has engaged in “a pattern of not allowing customers of color to enter and use the bar.”

The Boston Globe reported that in December that two African-American men were refused at the door when they were trying to get in for a white friend’s birthday party.

The birthday girl tried to intervene, but according to the report, Caron O’Neil, the bar’s owner, refused to let the guests come inside – as 10 white customers were let in.

When they asked how much it would cost to get in, they were told “$10 or $15,” the Globe reported.

That’s when, the men say, O’Neil came out and asked if it was their first time there.

When they said it was, O’Neill replied “We don’t want any trouble tonight. I don’t know you guys, and you should try to find another place to go.”

Later that night, she allegedly told another group of black patrons “We don’t like people of your kind here. We’ve been doing this for a while and it’s been working fine and we don’t want any problems. . .I’m not letting you people in.

Coakley’s suit seeks monetary damages, civil penalties and a request that the staff go through anti-discrimination training, WBZ-TV reported.



AUGUST 17, 2011 · 1:01 PM
Ottawa Police Issue Racial Profiling Policy

More than seven years after Ottawa police handcuffed every black man in the Ambassador Bar and Grill, the police service now has a policy on racial profiling.

Staff Sergeant John Medeiros, who leads the Diversity and Race Relations department, said the racial profiling policy announced yesterday was developed as a result of the settlement of the Ontario Human Rights case concerning the Ambassador incident in 2004.

Outside of the bar that was under construction in South Ottawa in January that year, a heated exchange broke out between two groups of people.

Officers, who were instructed to “cuff everyone” at the bar, handcuffed and arrested several black men who were working there, while letting a white contractor go free, according to reports.

The lawyer in the case says the new policy unlikely to change the way officers use their power.

“This is helpful to the extent that they say what their policy is, but it is not an effective solution for the racism issue that we have faced in practice,” said retired lawyer Emilio Binavince.

Medeiros said racial profiling still happens among the ranks of the Ottawa Police Service, adding that, “Many of the racial profiling incidents come as a result of actions that are subconscious, that the individual officer may not intend to racially profile.”

Binavince disagrees. “I have faced so many of them that are conscious, I can tell you,” he said.

Before he retired, Binavince was a human rights lawyer as well as council for Ottawa’s police association.

Binavince said that police must hire the right people and train them well. “What the community needs is justifiable and responsible policing. And in that, race is irrelevant. They should know that.”

The new policy is accompanied by training, said Medeiros. As for individual officers, the policy does not outline the consequences for any who racially profiles the public.

カナダ レイシャルプロファイリングが顕著な事件があって、人種プロファイリングについて警官が訓練をうける、と。ただし、レイシャルプロファイリングが起きた場合、警官の処遇については未定。

AUGUST 17, 2011 · 1:00 PM
Kansas Man Attacked With Car, Racially Abused

Officers arrested three teenagers who yelled racial slurs at a man, threw bottles at him and tried to run him over with a vehicle, police said today.

The incident occurred around 8 a.m. Monday as a 46-year-old black man was walking in the 700 block of East Gilbert, near Lincoln and Washington, police Lt. Doug Nolte said.

Nolte gave this account: As a vehicle went past the man, three white males inside, ages 15, 16 and 17, yelled racial slurs and threw bottles at him.

The vehicle stopped, turned around and swerved at the man in an attempt to hit him. He managed to get out of the way, and was not injured.

Two of the three teenagers in the vehicle got out and pointed what turned out to be a BB gun at the man.


AUGUST 17, 2011 · 12:57 PM
Video: Police Investigate Hate Crime, Looking For Alleged Victim

Police are looking for a black male that officers believe was the victim of a hate crime during an assault Sunday afternoon in the area of Bolivar and Thomas streets.

Details are scant as the alleged victim has not been identified, but police said two males approached the alleged victim in broad daylight before the assault.

One male suspect was driving a black pickup truck while another male suspect accompanied him on foot, police said.

The two approached the alleged victim at about 2:45 p.m. while he was riding his bike, police said.

One of the males uttered a racial slur before assaulting the alleged victim, police said.

The suspects fled the scene once they realized witnesses in the area had called police, police said.

City police Sgt. Mike Jackson said police are treating the assault as a racially motivated hate crime.

こちらもヘイトクライム。被害者 ”黒人”。ただし、その”黒人”も現場から逃げ、目撃者が警察を呼んだら、容疑者は逃走。いまだ逃亡中。

AUGUST 17, 2011 · 12:59 PM
Update: FDNY Fireman Who Found Noose In His House Locker Testifies

A black ex-fireman testified Tuesday he believed he was in danger, not from a fire but from his fellow Bravest, after finding a noose near his gear.

The notorious incident inside a Brooklyn firehouse was recalled Tuesday in federal court, where a judge is mulling whether to appoint a special monitor to oversee the predominantly white FDNY.

“I was very upset,” Lanaird Granger, 46, said of finding the 18-inch rope at Engine Co. 238 in Greenpoint in January 2005.

“I felt threatened physically, very uncomfortable to work or enter the firehouse anymore,” Granger said.

He lamented that nobody was ever held accountable.

“The person who did this was never found or suffered any consequences,” Granger added.

He said the noose, a symbol of the lynchings suffered by blacks in the South, was retaliation for his vocal opposition to the FDNY’s hiring of two ex-cops who were tried and cleared in the infamous police shooting of Amadou Diallo



AUGUST 17, 2011 · 1:05 PM
NYU Pays $210,000 To Worker Over Racist Ridicule

An African immigrant received a $210,000 payout from NYU after his abusive mailroom supervisor repeatedly ridiculed him as a “monkey” and a “gorilla.”

Do you want a banana?” his boss asked NYU employee Osei Agyemang in one of many racist remarks reportedly made to the native of Ghana from July 2007 through January 2009.

The boss mocked the immigrant’s accent as “gibberish,” while telling him “go back to your cage” and “go back to the jungle,” according to a September 2010 suit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The settlement between the Manhattan university and the one-time worker at the Bobst Library was made public yesterday.

“This suit shows that ugly harassment and retaliation can happen anywhere, even at a prestigious university,” said EEOC attorney Gilliam Thomas, who represented Agyemang.

The lawsuit accused NYU of ignoring Agyemang’s complaints about the stinging insults and racist cracks made while he worked in the library.

According to the suit, the harassment ended only after Agyemang’s request for a transfer was granted. “This case goes back some years and involves the actions of an employee who is no longer with the university,” said a statement from NYU spokesman John Beckman


Tragedy in Norway borne out of seeds of racism and intolerance in UK, EU


On July 27, The Guardian reported Italian politician Francesco Speroni, a former minister of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said, “Breivik's ideas are in defence of western civilisation,” while making comments on a radio show. Mr. Speroni is a member of the Northern League, the junior partner in Mr. Berlusconi's conservative


RACE: Are We So Different?


Race is a powerful idea that was invented by society.

Many of the ideas we now associate with race originated during the European era of exploration. Europeans like Christopher Columbus traveled overseas and encountered and then colonized and conquered peoples in Africa, Asia and the Americas who looked, talked and acted much differently from them….

…By 1776 when “All men are created equal” was written into the Declaration of Independence by a slave holder named Thomas Jefferson, a democratic nation was born with a major contradiction about race at its core. As our new nation asserted its independence from European tyranny, blacks and American Indians were viewed as less than human and not deserving of the same liberties as whites.

独立宣言で 全ての人間は平等に造られている、と奴隷の保持者である、ジェファソンによって唱えられ、”黒人”やアメリカンインディアンなどは人間以下にみられ、”白人”と同じ自由を享受するに値しない、と考えられていた、と。

Japanese Sumo Wrestling: Foreigners Need Not Compete

August 17, 2011 1:

Nevertheless and in 2010, the Japan Sumo Association ruled that they would define "foreign" as "foreign-born." This means that naturalized Japanese citizens, even if they have Japanese ancestry but were not born inJapan, would be counted as "foreign." Moreover and since there are only 52 sumo stables and roughly 800 professional sumo wrestlers registered with the Japan Sumo Association, the new rules would severely limit future "foreign" participation in Japanese sumo wrestling.








Worse, the JSA will now define "foreign" as "foreign-born" (gaikoku shusshin), meaning even naturalized Japanese citizens will be counted as "foreign." This, according to the Yomiuri, closes a "loophole" (nukemichi).

Sorry folks, but this rule is unlawful under Japan's Nationality Law, not to mention the Constitution. Neither allows distinctions between foreign-born and Japanese-born citizens. Under the law, a Japanese is a Japanese ― otherwise, what is the point of naturalizing?


 氏を引用している時点で、このIBTimes とやらが、取材能力もなく、信頼できない、ということはほぼ断定できるかもしれない。










2011/08/19PrintShare Article
Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda should think more carefully about the implications of his words when talking about sensitive topics if he wants to become prime minister.

Noda recently said the Class-A war criminals interred at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo--wartime leaders of Japan who were convicted by the postwar Tokyo tribunal--are no longer war criminals.

During the administration of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Noda rebutted Koizumi's argument that they were war criminals. In an Aug. 15 news conference, Noda said his position on the issue had basically not changed since that time.

Noda put his view on the issue in a written question to the Koizumi Cabinet. The war criminals were pardoned, released or executed under agreements between the countries running the postwar judicial process, he argued. A basic tenet of modern law is that a person's criminal guilt disappears when the sentence has been carried out.

In short, Noda believes the war criminals are no longer criminals because they paid their debt to society. He went on to ask what was wrong with the prime minister's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine if the people enshrined there were not criminals.

The question here is not whether the sentences given to the wartime leaders were carried out. It is a historical issue about whether their acts were in fact war crimes.

Noda is off the mark. What he says does nothing but unnecessarily hurt the feelings of many people, both Japanese and foreign, whose relatives were killed in the war.

Noda is a member of the Cabinet and intends to run in the Democratic Party of Japan's upcoming election to choose its president. If he becomes prime minister, he will have to speak about Japan's past as the representative of our nation. He needs to exercise discretion in both action and words.

Noda did not visit the Yasukuni Shrine on Aug. 15, the anniversary of the end of the war. When he ran for the party leadership race in 2002, he said he would not make an official visit to the shrine on the anniversary if he became prime minister, saying such an act would cause a diplomatic row.

But, if he puts importance on Japan's diplomacy, Noda should explain his views about this and other war-related issues. South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has criticized Noda's remarks as an attempt to deny the facts about Japan's invasions of its neighbors.

Noda's stance on the war criminal issue would have unwanted effects on Japan's relations with China and South Korea but also the United States, which led the Tokyo tribunal. Noda will face questions about this issue during the party leadership contest. He needs to offer convincing and responsible answers to these questions and talk about his ideas about the war if he wants to be recognized as someone qualified to head the party and become Japan's prime minister.

In an article on the agenda he would pursue as the nation's leader, published in the September issue of the Bungei Shunju monthly magazine, Noda expressed his determination to tackle three crises: the decline of domestic industry, energy shortages and Japan's fiscal ills.

These certainly should be the top policy priorities at the moment and Noda should try to create a political environment that will allow for effective efforts to grapple with these formidable challenges.

Japan has been making serious, long-term efforts to come to terms with war-related issues. Japan's leader should not do or say anything that could undermine the progress that has been made or create a situation that makes it difficult for the nation to tackle the real problems it faces today.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 18





泊原発営業運転 電力危機回避の一歩にしたい(8月18日付・読売社説)











