Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

泉 他

2011年08月18日 17時53分21秒 | Weblog







Beyond belief

Can Psychics Really Talk to the Dead?
Part 1: Renowned medium James Van Praagh looks into 'GMA's' Josh Elliott's past.


Describing Heaven: Pastor, Pronounced Dead, Says He Was There

 臨死体験 天国をみた

Casting Out Demons: Expelling Demons Through Mucus, Saliva at N.Y. Church
July 15, 2011




US streets full of formerly-middle class
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Published: 17 August, 2011

It is a rough life, made even more difficult as police enforce measures to push homeless people out of certain neighborhoods.

“There are people all over the city in cars,” said Carol Sobel, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild.

With more people finding high rents, or mortgage payments impossible to pay, sleeping in a car or motor home has become a widespread, last resort.

“They told me not to sleep inside my car or my motorhome. I will go to jail for that,” said a homeless man in Venice named Angel.

Angel has been threatened by police for living in his pickup truck.

“We live in a city where people are one pay check away from being homeless,” said Sobel. “If you go down on skid row, that’s what you see. People lost an apartment, they wound up there and it becomes a cycle you can’t get out of,” Sobel added.

Those trying to help the homeless may become a target as well.

Activists have been arrested for feeding transients in Orlando, FL, one of the several American cities where feeding the homeless is outlawed.

“It could be you. Most people are one or two paychecks away from losing their housing. And that’s just the truth,” said Peggy Lee Kennedy, an activist with Food Not Bombs.

Nationwide, the unemployment rate is nearly double digits and many economists agree, that number is likely higher as more Americans give up hope and drop out of the work force altogether.

Food pantries are under high demand and a record 45 million people are now on food stamps



August 17, 2011 12:33 AM
Study: 1 in 5 U.S. children live in poverty

A national study on child well-being to be published Wednesday found Nevada had the highest rate of children whose parents are unemployed and underemployed. The state is also home to the most children affected by foreclosures ― 13 percent of all Silver State babies, toddlers and teenagers have been kicked out of their homes because of an unpaid mortgage, the study found.

Across the nation, the research by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that child poverty increased in 38 states from 2000 to 2009. As a result, 14.7 million children, 20 percent, were poor in 2009. That represents a 2.5 million increase from 2000, when 17 percent of the nation's youth lived in low-income homes.


Hunger and Children in America: a Slow and Steady Starvation

Aug. 17, 2011
A little 2-year-old boy came to the hospital hungry, not just for dinner, but every day of his young life. He is smaller than he should be and his organs, including his brain, are not developing fully. And he lives in Boston, one of America's most prosperous cities.

Doctors at Boston Medical Center's Grow Clinic, which provides assistance to children diagnosed with "failure to thrive," say they have seen a dramatic increase in the number of children they treat who are dangerously thin.

"What's so hard is that a lot of families are working so hard," said Dr. Megan Sandel, an associate professor of pediatrics and public health at BMC. "They are working jobs. They are earning money and their dollars just don't go far enough."

That is life for nearly 15 million children living in poverty in the U.S., according to the National Center for Children in Poverty.


The number of children living in poverty in the U.S. is up nearly 20 percent from 2000, according to the NCCP, because of higher unemployment and foreclosures. It's a problem across the nation but children are the worst off in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. They fare better in New Hampshire, Minnesota and Massachusetts.

U.S. food banks say they face slow and steady starvation rather than sudden African famine.

"We talk about global hunger and we have extended tummies and we have sad eyes," said Marie Scannell, executive director of the Food Bank of Somerset County in New Jersey. "That's not what you'll see. For instance, in Somerville, N.J., you'll see sadness in the children's eyes. That's really the worst part for us."

Across the country, nearly 5.5 million children live in families that have lost homes to foreclosures and 8 million children live in families where at least one parent has lost a job, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation.



Hungry in America: Family Sometimes Must Choose Between Paying Bills, Buying Food

Aug. 6, 2011

"They recognize very clearly that their parents are reducing their food intake to save them from experiencing hunger," Cook said. "It's distressing to them."

Children may come up with their own coping mechanisms.

"They express concern for their parents," Cook said. "They will even reduce their own food intake. They will undertake their own processes to contribute to the family's resources."

Food insecurity is a health risk, Dr. Megan Sandel, an associate professor of pediatrics and public health at Boston Medical Center, a colleague of Cook's, told ABC News.



Land of the Free, Home of the Broke?
Government reports one in seven Americans now live below the poverty line.
04:31 | 09/16/2010

44 million Americans live in poverty(source census Bureau2009)
1 in 7 Americans live in poverty (14.3% source census Bureau2009)

poverty line family of four income under $21954

51 million without insurance

35% in poverty are children




No Cause for Marijuana Case, but Enough for Child Neglect
Published: August 17, 2011

The police found about 10 grams of marijuana, or about a third of an ounce, when they searched Penelope Harris’s apartment in the Bronx last year. The amount was below the legal threshold for even a misdemeanor, and prosecutors declined to charge her. But Ms. Harris, a mother whose son and niece were home when she was briefly in custody, could hardly rest easy.
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The police had reported her arrest to the state’s child welfare hot line, and city caseworkers quickly arrived and took the children away.

Her son, then 10, spent more than a week in foster care. Her niece, who was 8 and living with her as a foster child, was placed in another home and not returned by the foster care agency for more than a year. Ms. Harris, 31, had to weather a lengthy child neglect inquiry, though she had no criminal record and had never before been investigated by the child welfare authorities, Ms. Harris and her lawyer said.

“I felt like less of a parent, like I had failed my children,” Ms. Harris said. “It tore me up.”

Hundreds of New Yorkers who have been caught with small amounts of marijuana, or who have simply admitted to using it, have become ensnared in civil child neglect cases in recent years, though they did not face even the least of criminal charges, according to city records and defense lawyers. A small number of parents in these cases have even lost custody of their children.


Teenager found stabbed to death in park in Enfield, north London
Death is 10th fatal stabbing of a teenager in London so far this year and comes after 17-year-old was stabbed to death in Ilford

Peter Walker
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 18 August 201

イギリス 10代の子供がナイフで刺殺されてみつかる。

It is the 10th fatal stabbing of a teenager in London so far this year, coming less than a week after a 17-year-old boy was stabbed to death in Ilford, east London, following what was believed to be a fight at the end of a party.

According to Scotland Yard figures, knife crime involving young people in London has risen almost 10% over the past year, with an even bigger increase in the number of youths injured in knife attacks in the past few years.


・・・・・ 「欧米に見習え」「欧米では」という風潮でやってきたわけであるが、しかし、違いを無視して真似てばかりいても意外な副作用まで、輸入することにもなる。


School's out for S Korean kids
Government plans to reduce pressure on "least happy children in the developed world" by cancelling Saturday classes.
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2011

韓国 過剰な教育で、先進国でもっとも、不幸せな子供達になってしまった、これからは土曜日も休みにしましょう、と。



