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Conservatives throw tantrums in an attempt to silence discourse about right wing terrorism

2015年10月23日 03時42分07秒 | Weblog

They can feel their control over the country, which has a black president and legal gay marriage now, slipping out of their fingers.

So it’s really not a huge surprise that, with right-wing anger levels so high, a small number are taking it to the next level and setting fire to churches and clinics. Unfortunately, this isn’t really getting the media attention it deserves.

The summer’s church burnings got a smattering of coverage, but less than the debate over the Confederate flag. The fire bombings and arson attacks that have hit four Planned Parenthood clinics since interest renewed in attacking the organization have barely registered in the national media, according to a report by Media Matters. These St. Louis burnings are so frequent and close together that they are getting more national media coverage, but it has barely gone beyond bare bones reporting to dig into the deeper issue of the connection between the rise in right wing radicalism and the rise in domestic terrorism.

“The media need to report these incidents as what they are: domestic terrorism,” Ilyse Hogue of NARAL said in a recent press release on the clinic attacks. She is exactly right about that. Terrorism, by definition, is violence enacted in order to assert your political will.

It’s tough to report on this because, inevitably, conservatives while whine and throw tantrums in an attempt to silence discourse about right wing terrorism





