Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Nationalism is a familiar weapon in China’s diplomatic armoury

2017年03月23日 10時22分58秒 | Weblog

Nationalism is a familiar weapon in China’s diplomatic armoury.

A protest against South Korea on March 5th in the north-eastern city of Jilin conveyed a hint of what the government fears: that protesters may use displays of patriotism to vent other grievances. Some demonstrators in Jilin carried portraits of Mao Zedong (pictured). Despite appearances, these do not necessarily suggest agreement with the party line. People sometimes use them to poke at the current leadership—Mao symbolises an era that was, as some Chinese remember it, a better one for the underprivileged. Mr Xi worries about THAAD, but trouble at home disturbs him more.




