Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年11月26日 14時01分32秒 | Weblog
デーブスペクターさんはなぜ在日外国人に嫌われるのか?と、Japan socさんで問題提起している。

“Japanese have always been interested in foreign things, plus they’ve always been interested in how Japan is regarded,” says Dave Spector, a Chicago native with wavy blond hair who does the gaijin tarento thing full-time. A former producer for America’s ABC network, he has been a staple of Japanese television for a quarter of a century and is one of the few foreign personalities with a background in the medium.

“Almost all the gaijin here had no media experience back home,” he says. “They came here as English teachers or something and they were just hanging around... [or] chasing after a girl, which happens all the time.”

“There’s not much call for a gaijin who’s just going to sit there and say ‘Nihon wa fushigi desu ne’ ” (Japan is so mystifying). “I mean, they’ve already heard that.”

However, parts of the trade remain distinctively retro, notably ugly stereotyping of black people. Bobby Ologun, a Nigerian sometime kickboxer, has built a career with bulging eyes and a mimicked half-wit’s voice. “They do play up on the stereotypes,” says Spector. “But on the other hand it’s also a pay cheque for a lot of people, so they’re not complaining.”

My invitation by TV Tokyo shows that foreign assessments of Japan remain in demand, though the tone of the commentary has varied over the years. In the 1990s withering criticism was accepted, even encouraged. Koko ga hen da yo, Nihon-jin – literally, “This is what’s wrong with you, Japanese people” – was a hit in the economically grim period between 1998 and 2002. It involved a studio full of foreigners griping in the shrillest terms about their chosen country of residence – a masochistic exercise on the part of the producers and audience that would be unimaginable elsewhere.

If our show is anything to go by, the pendulum has swung back to encouraging national pride. Its catchline underscores the lesson that is meant to be learnt from the parade of high-achievers: “Be proud to be Japanese.”





