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Intellectual diversity

2017年02月05日 07時06分19秒 | Weblog
Milo Yiannopoulos Tested Progressives—and They Failed
Conservative students have the right to bring obnoxious bigots to speak on campus and other students have a right to protest. But controversial speakers should be allowed to speak.

A burned out portable light system is seen at UC Berkeley after a student protest turned violent during a demonstration over right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos.Stephen Lam / Reuters





Dirks argued, “the university cannot censor or prohibit events, or charge differential fees.”

That strikes me as a strong argument. Universities should establish rules for how they treat speakers that student organizations invite. And they should not alter those rules depending on the ideas those speakers espouse, even if their ideas are hateful. (And yes, I’d apply that not merely to Milo but to a neo-Nazi like Richard Spencer). At Berkeley, the rules say that student organizations get to host their speakers at the Student Union for free. If Berkeley changes that because Yiannopoulos is a misogynist, what happens if a Palestinian group invites a speaker that conservatives call anti-Semitic?

Of course, Berkeley students also have the right to protest Yiannopoulos. But the university has an obligation to ensure that their right to protest does not prevent the College Republicans from hearing their invited guest. Is the university obligated to spend extra money, which it would not expend for a normal speaker, because Yiannopoulos’s speech requires extra security? I’m not sure. But in any case, Berkeley did not spend extra money. It required the College Republicans to come up with funds for additional security themselves; an anonymous patron contributed $6,000 to help them.

The second argument for preventing Yiannopoulos from speaking is that his ideas are more than merely offensive. His conduct at public events has constituted harassment. As a group of Berkeley professors detailed in a letter, Yiannopoulos, projected a picture of a trans student onto a screen during his speech at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, last December—an event that was also live-streamed on Breitbart News. He “continued to ridicule and vilify her in front of the live campus audience and the online audience. The student was so disturbed by this experience that she withdrew from the university.”

But this argument is weak, too. Yiannopoulos’s behavior at the Milwaukee campus sounds disgusting. But as Dirks wrote in response, “critical statements and even the demeaning ridicule of individuals are largely protected by the Constitution.” If they were not, a lot of comedians would have trouble performing live. And even if the targeted UWM student has grounds to sue, Berkeley cannot prevent the College Republicans from hosting Yiannopoulos because of the possibility that he might do something like that again.

Politically, the problem with shutting Yiannopoulos down is obvious. The reason the College Republicans invited him in the first place was “because we believe there exists a dearth of intellectual diversity on this campus,” and “conservative thought is actively repressed.”




ーーーここらへんは非常に難しい問題で、常日頃、多様性、多様性といっているリベラルが、Intellectual diversityを否定すると自殺行為になる。







Hate speechなんてのも、ある民族について、「死ね、殺せ」というのがヘイトスピーチであるのはわかるが、「日本、死ねがヘイトスピーチではなく、沖縄在日米軍基地賛成が沖縄ヘイトスピーチーーー因みに、俺は、県民の意思を尊重して、普天間返還、辺野古移設反対ーーーと言われるようになると、もう、なにが、なんだかわからない状態。


“Hate speech, to me, seems to be defined by the political left as anything we don’t like, anything that violates social justice doctrine — feminism, Black Lives Matter ideology — but it is not something I have ever heard effectively defined.”





