Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年01月28日 00時05分59秒 | Weblog

http://www.thelocal.de/20150107/blackface-king-fdp-angers-activists<map id="map_c3bg94x5" name="map_c3bg94x5"><area coords="1,354,599,377" href="http://www.thelocal.de/20150107/blackface-king-fdp-angers-activists" alt="" shape="rect" /></map>

Blackface king at FDP summit angers activists - The Local via kwout

This isn't all that uncommon, as campaigners against the practice know all too well.

“There's a number of reasons why the way they perform this is problematic,” Vicky Germain of the Initiative for Black People in Germany (ISD) told The Local.

“It objectifies black people in a very racist way with the assumption that blackness is something that can be assumed.

“Teaching racism is psychologically traumatizing, not only for black kids but also for white kids. They're learning that as a non-person of colour you have this superiority, this power to determine someone's valueas a human being.

http://www.thelocal.de/20150127/racism-germany-blackfacing-is-anglicism-of-the-year<map id="map_uka2fehr" name="map_uka2fehr"><area coords="0,353,599,376" href="http://www.thelocal.de/20150127/racism-germany-blackfacing-is-anglicism-of-the-year" alt="" shape="rect" /></map>

'Blackfacing' is Anglicism of the Year - The Local via kwout

via mozu

"Blackfacing is understood to be racist because it treats the identity and experiences of black people as a costume that white people can just put on or take off," jury leader and linguist Anatol Stefanowitsch of Berlin's Free University said.

"Through Blackfacing, white people presume to speak and act for black people," he added.


○ 黒人のアイデンティティと経験を、白人が黒い肌の色を身につけたり外したりして衣装のように扱うから


○ 白人の子供が、黒く塗りたくることで、他人の価値を決定する優越性を持っていると思ってしまう。







