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A President Kowtowing to a Mad Prince

2018年10月19日 20時08分17秒 | Weblog
From Denials to Rogue Killers: How The Saudis’ Khashoggi Story Changed

The New York Times

Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident and journalist, was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2. Since then, Saudi Arabia’s messaging has shifted. Here’s how.


A President Kowtowing to a Mad Prince
Trump is providing cover for Saudi barbarism.

Nicholas Kristof
By Nicholas Kristof
Opinion Columnist

In the past, Trump repeatedly denounced President Barack Obama for having bowed to a Saudi king. But today Trump is not just bowing to a king; he’s kowtowing to a mad prince.

M.B.S. attacked Yemen, creating what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, bombing schoolchildren and leaving eight million Yemenis on the brink of starvation — and there were no consequences. He provoked a crisis with Qatar, and there were no consequences. He kidnapped the prime minister of Lebanon, and there were no consequences. He imprisoned women’s rights activists and extorted from business leaders, and there were no consequences.

The truth is that for decades, we have enabled Saudi Arabian misconduct, including the extremist education and terrorist financing that contributed to the 9/11 attacks. We stood by as Saudi Arabia seeded fanatical madrasas in places like West Africa, Pakistan and Indonesia, gravely destabilizing poor parts of the world. In fairness, Saudi Arabia has made progress in some areas, including its financing of terrorism, but it remains despotic, intolerant and misogynist.

Yet even as Saudi officials lie low, Trump has become the kingdom’s puppet and apologist, suggesting that “rogue killers” might have been responsible for the apparent murder.

Trump should stop collaborating in a cover-up. He should call for an international United Nations-backed investigation and for the release from prison of genuine reformers like the women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul and the blogger Raif Badawi. And he should make clear to the Saudi royal family that if it wants to sustain its relationship with America, it needs a new crown prince who isn’t a butcher.








