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2013年12月15日 20時02分25秒 | Weblog
Project Syndicate
MAY 17, 2013 8
Nationalism, Madness, and Terrorism



Several new phenomena appeared in sixteenth-century England that revolutionized human experience. English society was redefined as a “nation” – that is, a sovereign community of equal members. With that, the era of nationalism began, and social mobility became legitimate.

 These phenomena were connected. It was nationalism that legitimated mobility; the two of them together that produced madness; and the new mental disease that expressed itself in suicide and irrational violence. 

 Nationalism implied a specific image of society and reality in general – a consciousness that was to become the cultural framework of modernity. In its original, English, form it was essentially democratic. As it spread, it carried the seeds of democracy everywhere.

By considering a living community sovereign, nationalism implicitly but drastically reduced the relevance of God; even when combined with religion and presented in a religious idiom, it was essentially secular. National consciousness, dramatically different from the fundamentally religious, hierarchical consciousness that it replaced, shapes how we live today.

 Nationalist principles emphasize the self-governing individual, including the right to choose one’s social position and identity. But this liberty, empowering and encouraging the individual to choose what to be, complicates identity formation.
 A member of a nation cannot learn who or what s/he is from the environment, as would an individual in a religious and rigidly stratified social order, in which everyone’s position and behavior is defined by birth and divine providence. Modern culture cannot provide us with the consistent guidance that other cultures give to their members. By providing inconsistent guidance (for we are inevitably guided by our cultural environment), nationalism actively disorients us – a cultural insufficiency called anomie.

It was as natural for an Elizabethan Protestant to see the cause of his mental discomfort in a government overrun by Catholic sympathizers as it is for someone with a Muslim connection in the US today to see this cause in America as the embodiment of Western offenses against the faith.




“Without nationalism there can be no democracy”

Nationalism is an ideology that tries to bind the people to the state in such a way that the people, or the nation, coincides with the state, thereby forming the nation-state. An important characteristic of nationalism is that it doesn’t allow for a self-appointed elite to govern the people, but instead requires the people to rule themselves.

The people have to believe that the state represents them in order for them to accept the authority and legitimacy of the state. If not, then the state would need such a large police force to enforce cooperation that we would end up with a police state. Nationalism therefore is a driving force for a free and open society with no room for oppression by an elite.

Another objective of nationalism is to have all members of the nation identify with the same culture and thereby each other, which is done by standardising the language, education, legal codes, media etcetera. This doesn’t mean that everyone has to be identical to each other, but everyone needs to share a similar identity and needs to feel part of one community, that is in the same boat, so to speak. Only within such a community is it possible to have the democratic institutions that enable a modern democracy to function. Without such a national community it is impossible to have democratic debate.


 例えば、白人が黄色人をいじめていたとして、そうすると、同じ黄色人ということを強調すれば、日本出身だろうが、韓国出身だろうが、あまり、関係なくなるわけですね。 同じように、同じ民族、同じ国民という共通項が重要で、そちらを強調すれば、それぞれの身分はあまり重要でなくなってくる。身分から解放された同じ国民という概念、というか、身分から解放された個人が出現すると、それは、資本主義の基礎である土地から解放された賃金労働者の出現ということにもなってくる。そして、自分たちのことは、帝国主義の親分ではなく、自分たちで、決めます、という民族自決、そして、国民としては同じ、平等、ということになれば、国家の政(まつりごと)はその国民によって決めましょう、という民主主義が芽生えてくるわけですね。

 他方、こういうときにはこうしなさい、ああしなさい、という規定の集合であった、身分・地位、宗教団体から解放されたら、何をしていいかわからない、ここはどこ、私は誰? みたいな、本当の自分を探したくなるような不安が漂い、自由と背中合わせにある狂気に襲われて、狂人になるか、あるいは、狂気から逃れて、安定した自己を維持するために、外部に悪を設定して、テロに走る人間もでてくる、というわけでしょうね。






