Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

エジプト 多数死亡者

2013年07月27日 21時46分37秒 | Weblog
エジプトのデモ75人死亡・千人負傷 治安部隊が攻撃

More than 100 people have been killed at a protest by supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in the capital, Cairo, doctors say.
The official said security forces had been trying to stop fighting between rival sides and that eight security personnel had been injured.

But Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el-Haddad told Reuters news agency: "They are not shooting to wound, they are shooting to kill."


2013.07.26 Fri posted at 11:21 JST


U.S. opts not to define Egypt ouster as a coup; tensions rise ahead of planned protests
By CNN Staff
July 26, 2013 -- Updated 0202 GMT (1002 HKT)

A coup determination would force the United States to end military aid to Egypt.
"The law does not require us to make a formal determination as to whether a coup took place and it is not in our national interest to make such a determination," the official said on condition of anonymity.
Egyptian army chief calls for protests
The administration sees continuing aid to Egypt -- more than $1 billion annually -- to be "consistent with our law" and necessary to further U.S. national security interests, the source said.



