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“How to Raise Bigger Elephants.” "Hell is where the police are German, the chefs are British"

2018年04月21日 01時03分22秒 | Weblog



19:14 - 2018年4月19日


The United Nations asked a number of different nationalities and ethnic groups to write books about elephants. They receive the following books. The French write a book titled “The Love Life of Elephants.” The English write a book “The Elephant and English Social Classes.” The Germans write a five-volume book titled “A Short Introduction to the History of the Elephant.” The Italians write a book “The Elephant and the Renaissance.” The Americans write a book “How to Raise Bigger and Better Elephants.” And the Israelis write a book “Elephants and the Jewish Question.”

This joke deals with popular stereotypes about the French (love, romance), the English (social classes), the Germans (methodological), the Italians (fixated on their history and the Renaissance), The Americans (with their passion for outdoing others), and Jews (fixated on the Jewish question). There are, I might add, many variations on this joke that include people from other countries.




Another classic stereotyping joke reads as follows:

Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs are French, the mechanics

are German, the lovers are Italian and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell is where the police are German, the chefs are British, the mechanics

French, the lowers are Swiss and it is all organized by Italians.

In this joke, the supposed national characteristics of each of the nationalities are contrasted with what happens in heaven and hell, focusing on the positive and negative characteristics of each nationality.


