Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年10月29日 11時06分33秒 | Weblog



Allan Thompson (ed.), The Media and the Rwanda Genocide. London: Pluto
Press, 2007. £17.00. 480 pp.

The next part consists of 13 chapters on international media coverage of the Rwandan genocide. It contains a number of memoirs of journalists who covered
the Rwandan holocaust as well as academic analyses by media and journalism scholars. The most consistent theme here is how western media, in the words of
Allan Thompson, ‘played a role by, in essence, acquiescing to the killing campaign by downplaying it’ (p. 7). The shortcomings of journalists and the western media aired here are many and varied. They include journalists on the ground misinterpreting the nature of events unfolding around them; media managers and consumers of news reports having little empathy with the plight of victims partly because of a racist sentiment that African lives counted for little; and misdirected concern first with the evacuation of foreigners and later with the predicament of Hutu refugees, particularly in eastern Zaire, in the immediate aftermath of the killing. Indeed, as the killing rate escalated through April and May, the flow of reportage on Rwanda dwindled because journalists had cleared out along with other expatriates. There is a degree of soul searching in these chapters about the responsibilities of journalists and the media, and reflection on the constraints faced by reporters in conflict zones. Notable in this section is a hard-hitting chapter by Linda Melvern, journalist and author of two well-known tracts on the Rwandan genocide (Melvern, 2000, 2006). She excoriates the western press for its racially biased misreading and minimizing of the massacres as an eruption of an age-old tribal conflict rather than a deliberate campaign to exterminate a minority.







