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"Even in Brazil the citizens have sent the left packing"

2018年10月29日 09時36分02秒 | Weblog

The Women Supporting Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro

Written by Brent McDonald
Oct. 28, 2018

Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s newly elected president, is known for his offensive remarks about women, but his hard-line agenda on crime has spurred many to vote for him. We heard from women on both sides

Jair Bolsonaro, the former Army captain and front-runner in Brazil’s presidential election, has pitched himself as an iron-fisted crusader against the country’s soaring crime. His controversial, pro-dictatorship rhetoric — he has endorsed torture and favors giving police license to kill — has polarized this country and especially divided women.



Jair Bolsonaro declared Brazil's next president
Controversial admirer of dictators says in video broadcast: ‘We are going to change the destiny of Brazil’

Tom Phillips in São Paulo and Dom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro

Sun 28 Oct 2018 22.31 GMT

“We cannot continue flirting with communism … We are going to change the destiny of Brazil,” he said.

Italy’s far-right interior minister, Matteo Salvini, offered his congratulations to Bolsonaro, tweeting: “Even in #Brazil the citizens have sent the left packing!”

“This is phenomenal. It’s a unique feeling,” said Rafael Gomes, a 34-year-old salesman who was among the crowds. “I can see a better future for my son, better health, education and security, something we haven’t had for years.”

Who is Jair Bolsonaro?

Over nearly three decades in politics, he has become notorious for his hostility to black, gay and indigenous Brazilians and to women as well as for his admiration of dictatorial regimes, including the one that ruled Brazil from 1964 until 1985

For the tens of millions of voters who backed Bolsonaro, however, he represents change after years of economic recession and eye-watering corruption scandals that they blame on the Workers’ party, which ruled Brazil from 2003 until the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, in 2016.

“We are happy. We want change,” declared Maicon Mesquita, a 23-year-old businessman who had brought his family to Avenida Paulista to celebrate. “He will be a president who has no involvement at all in corruption.”

 市民が望んでいるのは、安全、健康、教育 そして、汚職のない政治。










