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Wife-beating U.S. District Court Judge and Supreme Court Judge Having Sex in Courthouse

2014年09月24日 03時12分47秒 | Weblog

After physically abusing his wives and children, here's what U.S. District Court Judge Mark Fuller really deserves VIDEO
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In recent days, the story of wife-beating U.S. District Court Judge Mark Fuller has finally garnered attention among the media, as well as a number of the elected officials who would be responsible for impeaching the 2002 George W. Bush lifetime-appointee to the federal bench.

Fortunately, calls for accountability for the federal judge from Alabama’s Middle District have now become a “virtual chorus” over these last few days. The state’s Governor, as well as both of Alabama’s U.S. Senators and its entire Congressional delegation, save for one member (Rep. Mike Rogers), have now called for Fuller’s resignation and/or impeachment.

However, his resignation (and arguably his impeachment) would be far too generous for Fuller, as I’ll discuss below, given previous allegations ― by his first wife ― that mirror what we now know about him, concerning drug and alcohol abuse, as well as physical abuse of both the first wife and their children…

Fuller’s attorney, after the plea deal was approved in state court with the consent of Fuller’s wife Kelli, the victim in this case, stated that the federal judge “doesn’t have a drug or alcohol problem and never has.”

That, like the claim that he is a first time offender in regard to domestic abuse, does not appear to be true, at least according to Fuller’s first wife Lisa who filed a damning Request for Admissions during their 2012 divorce, after Fuller was allegedly discovered to have been having an affair with his court bailiff, Kelli, who he eventually married (and subsequently beat the hell out of last month, after shesimilarly accused him of having an affair with his law clerk.)

Given the allegations in his own now-sealed divorce records with his first wife ― allegations that appear to mirror almost precisely what we now know about the more recent abuse of his second wife ― Judge Fuller would be lucky to escape with only impeachment, much less resignation. The evidence now on the record concerning U.S. District Court Judge Mark Fuller strongly suggests he should be in jail, before he can hurt ― or kill ― even one more victim.


According to the Commission on Judicial Performance, Orange County Superior Court Judge Scott Steiner had sex on multiple occasions in his chambers with a woman who had worked as an intern for him and another woman who is an attorney. Both women are students in law school classes taught by Steiner.
“Engaging in sexual intercourse in the courthouse is the height of irresponsible and improper behavior by a judge,” the judicial commission said in its decision.
“It reflects an utter disrespect for the dignity and decorum of the court and is seriously at odds with a judge’s duty to avoid conduct that tarnishes the esteem of the judicial office in the public’s eye,” the commission added.
Last September, the Attorney General’s Office decided not to pursue criminal charges against Steiner based on claims from the woman, who is an attorney, that she was coerced into having sex with him.
The commission’s public censure was part of the settlement negotiated by Steiner’s attorney, Paul Meyer.
Public censure is the most severe punishment that can be handed down by the commission, short of being removed from the bench.
“Judge Steiner cooperated fully in the investigation,” Meyer said. “He apologizes and appreciates the commission’s thorough review and fair findings in this matter.”
In its ruling, the judicial commission found insufficient evidence that Steiner helped the woman who is an attorney to obtain employment in exchange for sex.
But the commission faulted him for contacting the District Attorney’s Office to help his former intern get a job.





