Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Semiconductor material to be exported to S.Korea for the first time after tighten control.

2019年08月08日 10時01分41秒 | Weblog
"Semiconductor material to be exported to S.Korea for the first time after tightening control."

The government tightened the control; it has never said it is the embargo. The Japanese government said that individual applications would "be necessary for exports to South Korea of three materials -- fluorinated polyimide, hydrogen fluoride and resist -- used in the manufacturing process of semiconductors and screens for smartphones and TVs" and the screening of the applications would standardly require about 90 days

The government screened the application and found out that there was no problem. So one of the item-probably resist- will be exported for the first time after the tightened control.

 That's how it's been explained in Japan.

 As I said before probably no Korean journalists understand what "whitelist" means. Removing S.Korea from 'white-list" won't change anything drastically.

Intentionally or not, they misinterpreted the story and whipped up nationalism....as usual.


