Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Foreign correspondents are masters of hypocrisy

2018年07月03日 15時35分06秒 | Weblog

May10, 2017 Shincho covered Shiori's case and several journalists picked it up. *1

May 29, 2017, Shiori held a news conference for Japanese journalists. NYT didn't report it.

Shiori also asked Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan to hold a press conference on May 30th for foreign journalists but FCCJ rejected it, saying FCCJ is not the place to accuse a man of a crime, that the alleged crime has not been proved; what's more, the suspect is a famous journalist, and that Shiori just wants to wreak revenge on Yamaguchi by using the foreign media. *2

Foreign Correspondents club of Japan considers #MeToo movement not newsworthy

David Mcneill said he sympathized, but for foreign correspondents, all that matters was whether it affected Abe cabinet. 

Nov. 20. 2017 Glenn Thrush, New York Times Reporter, Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Vox

Dec. 20 Vox reported" New York Times decides Glenn Thrush does not deserve to be fired over sexual misconduct "

Dec. 29 NYT finally covered Shiori, saying "Elsewhere, her allegations might have caused an uproar. But here in Japan, they attracted only a smattering of attention"

(Motoko Rich's skill in Japanese is conversational level.*2 It is most likely that she is unable to read Japanese newspapers nor is she able to understand Japanese TV program.)

MAY 18, 2018, JOANNA CHIU alleged "Sexpat Journalists in China Are Ruining Asia Coverage"

But here in Japan the sexual harassments and hypocrisy of foreign correspondents attracts only a smattering of attention


山口敬之 週刊新潮の全文


安倍ヨイショなら強姦もOK 普通の人なら悪口も逮捕(田中龍作ジャーナル)

新潮が「安倍ベッタリの暴行記者」を追撃、さらなる問題も? ダメージは麻生副総理へ

2017.5.14 09:00
近年、週刊誌の記事で、これほど驚かされたことはない…「週刊新潮」のトップ 元TBSの山口敬之さん「準強姦逮捕状」


詩織さんの会見を拒否した外国特派員協会「5月30日、東京・有楽町の日本外国特派員協会で、詩織さんが弁護士とともに外国人記者向けの会見を行いたいという要請がありました。しかし、一部の記者たちの強硬な反対があり、記者会見の要請を拒絶したのです」(在京の外国人特派員) #fccj


委員の一人、デヴィッド・マクニール記者はこう弁明する。「詩織さんには同情がありますが、特派員にとっては安倍政権に影響が出る話かどうかが重要で、それには時期尚早だと思ったんです」#fightwithshiori #fccj



