Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年08月06日 23時31分59秒 | Weblog




2019年08月06日 22時59分58秒 | Weblog


“‘PUNISH THE PUNKS’, ran the headline in Sunday Mirror [June 12, 1977], and the British public took the instruction to heart,” writes Jon Savage in England’s Dreaming: Anarchy, the Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond, published in 1991. “The attacks were now not just verbal but also physical.”

Savage continues detailing what happened that night in June: “The first to be victimized was Jamie Reid, the next day [after the ‘Punish The Punks’ headline appeared in the Mirror]: he was attacked just around the corner from his Borough flat and his leg and nose were broken by unknown assailants. The next Sunday (of the second People story) it was the turn of Public Enemy Number One, John Lydon.”

“‘Chris Thomas and I were in the Pegasus, just around the corner from Wessex Studios,’[Rotten] says, ‘and as we left, we were attacked in the car park by a gang of knife-wielding yobs, who were chanting, ‘We love our Queen, you bastard!’ Normally I’d say they were National Front, but a third of them were black. They were just lads out for violence. I got some bad cuts from that. It severed two tendons, so my left hand is fucked forever, and as I’m left-handed, I can’t close the fist properly. I’ll never play guitar: there’s no power to it. I jumped into the car and someone jumped after me with a machete and cut me from there [he points to his thigh about a foot down] . . . to there [his knee]. I had on extremely thick leather trousers at the time, thank fucking God, because it would have ripped the muscle out and now I’d be a one-legged hoppity.'”

The attacks on the Pistols, and punks in general, continued.




China & Russia don't trust N.Korea. N. Korea trusts nobody.

2019年08月06日 22時10分25秒 | Weblog
North Korea’s new missile tests hide deeper concerns
Kim failed to gain traction with Trump, but the US regional security structure is under rising pressure from without and within



“Kim wants to basically remind everyone that he is not going to sit idle when Americans and South Koreas are doing their military exercises,” Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at Seoul’s Kookmin University, told Asia Times. “He also wants to exert pressure on South Korea while minimizing the threat to the US. He does not want to excessively annoy them as he needs some cooperation on sanctions and still wants to engage in negotiations.”

“I don’t think he will break the moratorium on nuclear tests or [intercontinental ballistic missile] tests as he doesn’t want to annoy the Americans,” said Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at Seoul’s Kookmin University. “It is not a big problem if the attention is not high – they just want to send a signal to show they are unhappy, and that signal had been registered.”

They are not formal allies, but there is going to be a great deal of military cooperation” between Beijing and Moscow in the region, Lankov said, citing tensions between both Washington and Beijing and also Washington and Moscow.

This raises the question of whether the Beijing-Moscow bilateral cooperation against the US and its regional allies is expanding to a trilateral triangle that includes North Korea.

That looks less likely, according to Lankov.

“We are seeing cooperation, but only to a small extent, as North Korea is seen as being unreliable, unpredictable and unruly by both China and Russia,” Lankov said. “There will be occasional opportunistic cooperation on an ad hoc basis with North Korea, but both sides do not trust North Korea, and North Korea trusts nobody.”








Moon regime will punish the public officials who speak & act contrary to public sentiment.

2019年08月06日 20時59分02秒 | Weblog
靑 "日수출규제로 엄중한 시기⋯국민정서 배치 언동 공직자 특별감찰"
박정엽 기자

입력 2019.08.05 15:15 | 수정 2019.08.05 15:16

김조원 청와대 민정수석<사진>은 5일 "최근 일본이 우리나라를 화이트리스트(수출 심사 우대국)에서 제외하는 등 수출규제를 감행함으로써 이에 대해 범정부적으로 총력 대응하고 있는 엄중한 시기"라며 "국민정서와 배치되는 언동 등 공직자의 심각한 품위 훼손에 대해서도 엄정하게 조치할 예정"이라고 밝혔다.


Blue house Chief of staff says that strict measures shall be taken against public officials who have acted contrary to public sentiment.



2019年08月06日 20時21分56秒 | Weblog







2019年08月06日 20時15分41秒 | Weblog

Tokyo radiation less than the level in Soeul





Is Fukushima Safe for the Olympics?
A recent visit suggests that the repercussions of the 2011 nuclear disaster aren't over.
By Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff JULY 25, 2019

We traveled to Fukushima on a bus full of journalists, filmmakers, and activists from around the world. We were accompanied by professor Fujita Yasumoto who carried a dosimeter, a device that charts the levels of radiation. With two hours to drive before hitting Fukushima, his dosimeter read 0.04; anything above 0.23, he told us, was unsafe. The needle jumped further as we approached the nuclear plants and attendant cleanup operations. Outside the Decommissioning Archive Center, it moved into unsafe territory with a 0.46 reading before spiking to a truly alarming 3.77 as we approached Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 reactor, one of three that melted down. The Olympic torch run is currently scheduled to pass through some of these high-contamination areas.


The scientific studies about how safe Fukishima are at the moment are in great dispute. National travel guides put the area that is unsafe at only 3 percent of the prefecture. However, as Scientific American wrote, “In its haste to address the emergency, two months after the accident the Japanese government raised the allowable exposure from 1 mSv annually, an international benchmark, to 20 mSv.

Fukushima Prefecture



令和元年の7月の記録をみると野球場は改修中ででていませんが、全体とすれば。0.03-0.07μSv/h ですよ。先程のソウルの放射線量より少ないわけです。







2019年08月06日 19時04分56秒 | Weblog


Jamie Reidという芸術家がいて、セックスピストルのアルバムのデザインなんかした人らしいですけど。

His best known works include the Sex Pistols album Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols and the singles "Anarchy in the UK", "God Save The Queen" (based on a Cecil Beaton photograph of Queen Elizabeth II, with an added safety pin through her nose and swastikas in her eyes, described by Sean O'Hagan of The Observer as "the single most iconic image of the punk era")



Anarchy in the UK: A brief history of punk fashion
Marie Claire

March 2, 2017 3:22 pm

画像検索しても、T shirt Elizabeth Queen swastikas in her eyes ハーケンクロイツの目の女王のTshirtはない。

このデザイナー 以前にも引用しましたけど
“‘PUNISH THE PUNKS’, ran the headline in Sunday Mirror [June 12, 1977], and the British public took the instruction to heart,” writes Jon Savage in England’s Dreaming: Anarchy, the Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond, published in 1991. “The attacks were now not just verbal but also physical.”

Savage continues detailing what happened that night in June: “The first to be victimized was Jamie Reid, the next day [after the ‘Punish The Punks’ headline appeared in the Mirror]: he was attacked just around the corner from his Borough flat and his leg and nose were broken by unknown assailants. The next Sunday (of the second People story) it was the turn of Public Enemy Number One, John Lydon.”





2019年08月06日 18時04分48秒 | Weblog




Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean

The shot of Mr Bean decapitating Princess Diana's picture was cut from later airings following her death in a car crash in 1997.



Rowan Atkinson: we must be allowed to insult each other
7:53AM BST 18 Oct 2012

The Blackadder and Mr Bean star attacked the "creeping culture of censoriousness" which has resulted in the arrest of a Christian preacher, a critic of Scientology and even a student making a joke, it was reported.

He criticised the "new intolerance" as he called for part of it the Public Order Act to be repealed, saying it was having a "chilling effect on free expression and free protest".



Seoul is Weaponizing Nationalism Against Japan.

2019年08月06日 15時43分58秒 | Weblog

Moon Argues for Pan-Korean Economy to Surpass Japan

Widening boycott of Japanese goods seeps into culture sector

The Korean government is deliberately whipping up nationalist fervor among Korean people and is granting license for people to act against imagined enemies of Japan


Abe urges S. Korea to keep promises

2019年08月06日 15時11分36秒 | Weblog
Abe urges S. Korea to keep bilateral accord amid wartime labor woes
August 6, 2019

Speaking at a press conference in Hiroshima, Abe said South Korea has "unilaterally" breached the accord that settled the issue of compensation for wartime laborers during Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula.

"When we think about the current Japan-South Korea relationship, the biggest issue we have is of trust, or whether promises made between states are kept," Abe said.

South Korea has "violated the treaty that served as the basis for us to normalize ties," the prime minister said as he called on Seoul to abide by it "first and foremost."


"We have an 11-percent increase in the number of Chinese tourists instead ”

2019年08月06日 15時10分14秒 | Weblog
Japan Braces for Long Cold War with Korea
By Lee Ha-won

August 06, 2019


When asked about decreasing number of Korean tourists, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said, "We have an 11-percent increase in the number of Chinese tourists instead, and also have a two-digit growth rate of tourists from the U.S. and Europe. There will be no big damage."







みずほ銀行 韓国に「心配いらない」と

2019年08月06日 14時46分34秒 | Weblog
Mizuho Group head reassures chaebol leaders
Chairman of major Japanese bank says financing won’t stopAug 06,2019




