Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年02月24日 14時00分20秒 | Weblog






2019年02月24日 11時58分47秒 | Weblog

 今は昔、学生のころ、To 不定詞の、名詞的用法とか、形容詞的用法とか、副詞的用法とかいうのがあって、そのころは、よくわからなかった。そもそも品詞とはなんぞや、ということでつまずいていた。




2019年02月24日 05時58分12秒 | Weblog



Japan attacked the colonies of the U.S. empire.

2019年02月24日 05時42分47秒 | Weblog

Contrary to popular memory, the event familiarly known as “Pearl Harbor” was in fact an all-out lightning strike on US and British holdings throughout the Pacific. On a single day, the Japanese attacked the US territories of Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam, Midway Island and Wake Island. They also attacked the British colonies of Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong, and they invaded Thailand.

Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam – it wasn’t easy to know how to think about such places, or even what to call them. At the turn of the 20th century, when many were acquired (Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, American Samoa, Hawaii, Wake), their status was clear. They were, as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson unabashedly called them, colonies.

Like African Americans, colonial subjects were denied the vote, deprived of the rights of full citizens, called racial epithets, subjected to dangerous medical experiments and used as sacrificial pawns in war. They, too, had to make their way in a country where some lives mattered and others did not.

“Most people in this country, including educated people, know little or nothing about our overseas possessions,” concluded a governmental report written during the second world war. “As a matter of fact, a lot of people do not know that we have overseas possessions. They are convinced that only ‘foreigners’, such as the British, have an ‘empire’. Americans are sometimes amazed to hear that we, too, have an ‘empire’.”

Empire isn’t just landgrabs, though. What do you call the subordination of African Americans? Starting in the interwar period, the celebrated US intellectual WEB Du Bois argued that black people in the US looked more like colonised subjects than like citizens. Many other black thinkers, including Malcolm X and the leaders of the Black Panthers, have agreed.

Or what about the spread of US economic power abroad? The US might not have physically conquered western Europe after the second world war, but that didn’t stop the French from complaining of “coca-colonisation”. Critics there felt swamped by US commerce. Today, with the world’s business denominated in dollars, and McDonald’s in more than 100 countries, you can see they might have had a point.

Then there are the military interventions. The years since the second world war have brought the US military to country after country. The big wars are well-known: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. But there has also been a constant stream of smaller engagements. Since 1945, US armed forces have been deployed abroad for conflicts or potential conflicts 211 times in 67 countries.


“blaming America first.”

2019年02月24日 05時02分16秒 | Weblog
It’s Foreign Policy That Distinguishes Bernie This Time
He’s challenging American exceptionalism in a far more radical way than his 2020 competitors are.

FEB 21, 2019

Peter Beinart
Professor of journalism at the City University of New York



Sanders’s critique of America’s past sins could leave him vulnerable to Republicans who accuse him of “blaming America first.”




2019年02月24日 04時07分27秒 | Weblog
日本語教師の資格、教育実習も必須に 文化審議会が方針



