Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Youkyung Lee should make Trump & Moon apologize to former Korean sex slaves

2019年02月08日 16時47分02秒 | Weblog
South Korea Lawmaker Seeks Imperial Apology for Japan Sex Slaves
By Youkyung Lee
2019年2月8日 17:45 JST




Must Read: America's comfort women 1

Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo stripped of Australian residency

2019年02月08日 14時08分29秒 | Weblog


中国人富豪の永住権剥奪 豪、政治工作の排除狙いか
2019.2.8 1

Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo stripped of Australian residency, banned from returning over ‘political interference’ concerns
Huang Xiangmo – a property developer who has donated millions to Australia’s two main political parties – is at the centre of political interference concerns
He is under scrutiny for alleged links to a Communist Party-linked body accused of neutralising opposition and buying political influence around the world
PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 06 February, 2019, 1:35pm
UPDATED : Thursday, 07 February, 2019, 9:59am



2019年02月08日 10時24分56秒 | Weblog

One in four French people think the Illuminati are manipulating us

2019年02月08日 09時40分32秒 | Weblog


Clinton would have launched a pre-emptive strike

2019年02月08日 02時12分00秒 | Weblog

It is easy to see a scenario wherein the “shock” of North Korea’s impending nuclear breakout and rattled by China’s growing regional assertiveness, a Democrat in the White House would have drawn warnings of a “red line” that must not be crossed. No more nuclear tests, for example. Clinton, conscious of Barack Obama’s loss of face over Syria and chemical weapons and having flagged a re-think of the North Korea strategy during the presidential campaign, would have been determined to see this line enforced.

And it is equally possible to imagine American allies nodding along in agreement as Clinton offered soothing explanations about the need to maintain the credibility of US power.

So, in this parallel universe, a pre-emptive strike was launched early in the first term of the Clinton administration to stop an impending September 2017 nuclear test. Japan had urged action, Australia was supportive. The use of force was justified as a proportional to the danger. Only then came an unexpectedly fierce retaliation …
