Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Kingston's ridiculous misinterpretation and whitewashing history

2015年08月23日 19時36分24秒 | Weblog





More than three million of our compatriots lost their lives during the war: on the battlefields worrying about the future of their homeland and wishing for the happiness of their families; in remote foreign countries after the war, in extreme cold or heat, suffering from starvation and disease. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the air raids on Tokyo and other cities, and the ground battles in Okinawa, among others, took a heavy toll among ordinary citizens without mercy.

Also in countries that fought against Japan, countless lives were lost among young people with promising futures. In China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands and elsewhere that became the battlefields, numerous innocent citizens suffered and fell victim to battles as well as hardships such as severe deprivation of food. We must never forget that there were women behind the battlefields whose honour and dignity were severely injured.

Upon the innocent people did our country inflict immeasurable damage and suffering.
History is harsh. What is done cannot be undone. Each and every one of them had his or her life, dream, and beloved family. When I squarely contemplate this obvious fact, even now, I find myself speechless and my heart is rent with the utmost grief.

The peace we enjoy today exists only upon such precious sacrifices. And therein lies the origin of postwar Japan.

Abe’s revisionism and Japan’s divided war memories
AUG 22, 2015

Citing the deaths of more than 3 million Japanese during World War II, and the deprivation that prevailed, Abe asserted: “The peace we enjoy today exists only upon such precious sacrifices. And therein lies the origin of postwar Japan.”

This is the revisionist conceit: that all that carnage in what Abe’s advisory panel termed a “reckless” war was worthwhile because it is the basis for the peace and prosperity now enjoyed by contemporary Japanese.

The Abe statement is equivocal on this issue of responsibility and hazy about the suffering inflicted. It honors the war dead by venerating their sacrifice, but also suggests that the nightmare imposed on the Japanese people and their Asian neighbors by irresponsible wartime leaders somehow lead to peace. Well, yes, the devastation and defeat of Japan lead to surrender and then peace, but the logic is unsettling: Abe is suggesting that the peace enjoyed today came from Japanese aggression in the 1930s and ’40s, and thereby tries to bestow some legitimacy on those actions.

This underhanded justification of war is not necessary to honor the war dead.

This is just ridiculous.

Don't put words into Abe's mouth.

Saying the peace come after the reckless war--the war in which , to quote Abe, "our country inflicted immeasurable damage and suffering upon innocent people" is nothing but reckless--is not same as saying the reckless war brought about the peace.
It does not mean the reckless war is justified either.

You can't impose the illogical inference upon Abe's statement.

They died because Japan’s leaders at the time, including Abe’s grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, launched Japan into this avoidable tragedy. Those leaders held Japanese lives cheap, and they were sacrificed and subjected to awful horrors for an ignominious cause. 

True. But that's not the whole truth. Japanese civilians were killed because Truman carried out carpet bombings upon Japanese cities and dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Dressing this sanguinary rampage up as the bedrock of contemporary Japan is a deplorable deceit.

You need to face up to past sanguinary war acts to build the peace.

Japan did. Japan hasn't waged war since then
The U.S. has been at war all the time, killing civilians in a surprisingly similar way, calling them " collateral damage"

We know our bedrock is filled with blood.

Americans should know that America's bedrock is too.

Their deaths were in vain because Japan’s regional rampage that claimed perhaps as many as 20 million Asian lives, and trampled on the dignity and welfare of countless more, was not in service of a noble mission.

Their deaths were in vain if we hadn't learned the lesson.
Japanese learned that the war is cruel beyond description and should avoid it at any cost. That's the message the was dead send us and it is also the response we send to the war dead. Thus their deaths were not in vain at all!

That's why, as Abe said,

With deep repentance for the war, Japan made that pledge. Upon it, we consistently upheld that pledge never to wage a war again

Is Abe sanitizing history or is it Kingston who is whitewashing history?

“Our country today enjoys peace and prosperity, thanks to the ceaseless efforts made by the people of Japan toward recovery from the devastation of the war and toward development, always backed by their earnest desire for the continuation of peace.”

Peace and prosperity, in the Emperor’s view, did not come from treating the Japanese people like cannon fodder during the warbut rather was based on their postwar efforts to overcome the tragedy inflicted by the nation’s warmongering leaders, who provoked and prolonged the suffering that was endured

Isn't that what Abe said?

Abe said:


With deep repentance for the war, Japan made that pledge. Upon it, we have created a free and democratic country, abided by the rule of law, and consistently upheld that pledge never to wage a war again. While taking silent pride in the path we have walked as a peace-loving nation for as long as seventy years, we remain determined never to deviate from this steadfast course.

Kingston continues
But the revisionists have continually fumbled with these buttons and resist corrections to their incorrect and deeply flawed analysis of wartime Japan. Sure, they have the right to voice their benighted views, but in exercising their right to “history hate speech,” aren’t they guilty of provoking Japan’s victims?

I don't like Japanese nationalists, but I don't like American nationalists like Kingston either because they whitewash history.

Those who accuse Seoul and Beijing of playing the history card need to look into the mirror and reflect on the perpetrator’s responsibility. Revisionists seek to restore the dignity of Japan by downplaying and denying past depredations that trample on the dignity and sensitivities of the two nations that suffered most from Japanese aggression and subjugation.

Kingston needs to look into the mirror when he talks about Japanese nationalists.

Anyway, let's talk about Abe statement, not about some statements by anonymous revisionists.

Reconciliation is not possible when either party is not willing to admit the wrongs she did.

Some Japanese nationalists try to justify, for instance, Nanjing massacre Japanese troop committed (by saying it was legal prosecution---just like some American try to justify dropping of the atomic bombs saying they were necessary) but Japanese government admits Nanjing massacre and War Time Sex Slavery.

Did Korean government apologized to former comfort women it exploited?

Why is it Kingston constantly ignore the issues American government and American people must face up to.

Kingston is not a leftist like Herbert Bix and Chomsky, who apply the same standard to all the countries: they are critical of Japanese past as well as American past---Kingston is a blatant American nationalist, a counterpart of Japanese nationalist he so hates.

American nationalist's narcissistic narrative is incompatible with Japanese nationalist's narcissistic narrative.

Note also Kingston often quotes Nakano but he ignored Nakano's assessment about Abe statement this time.

Nakano said:

"Abe said what he said to please the U.S."

Abe is a henchman whose boss is the United States. You can't turn a blind eye to the US's influence on Japan while criticizing Abe.
But an american nationalist would not want to portray the U.S. as a villain in any way.

* As a note, I am not a big fan of Abe. I hate Hyakuta and other nationalist friends of Abe's. I am against Abe's security bill.

With All Due Respect  憚りながら on Adelstein

2015年08月23日 18時48分35秒 | Weblog

Cat in the Blue Sky

http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/01/09/all-due-respect …




some reporters told me that he was a liar



Profiles JANUARY 9, 2012 ISSUE

All Due Respect
An American reporter takes on the yakuza.


At the Yomiuri, Adelstein started investigating Goto. He had been making progress when one of his sources, a foreign prostitute, disappeared. Adelstein was convinced that she had been murdered, and soon he became obsessed with the case. He was married to a Japanese journalist named Sunao, and they had two small children. But Adelstein rarely made it home before midnight, because Japanese crime reporters are expected to smoke and drink heavily with cops and other contacts. Sometimes he was threatened by yakuza; once he was badly beaten and suffered damage to his knee and spine. Like many people with Marfan syndrome, he took daily medication for his heart, and there were signs that his life style was becoming self-destructive. He had always had a tendency to dramatize his health problems—this was part of his image—but now he seemed to be growing into the role of the troubled crime reporter.

Years later, both Adelstein and his wife said that this period destroyed their marriage. It also finished his career at the Yomiuri. After a certain point, he says, the paper balked at publishing more stories about Goto, and Adelstein quit. To this day, nobody at the paper will speak on the record about him; some reporters told me that he was a liar, while others said that the Yomiuri had been frustrated by his obsession. A couple of people alleged that he worked for the C.I.A. Staff from competing papers seemed more likely to praise his work, and a number of people indicated that the Japanese media tended to shy away from stories that would anger powerful yakuza figures like Goto. They also said that people at the Yomiuri were angry about Adelstein’s departure because it violated traditional corporate loyalty.

Adelstein broke the story in May of 2008, first in the Washington Post and then with details that he gave to reporters at the Los Angeles Times. Jim Stern, a retired head of the F.B.I.’s Asian criminal-enterprise unit, confirmed the deal, although he told the L.A. Times, “I don’t think Goto gave the bureau anything of significance.” (Stern was not involved in the deal.) According to Adelstein’s Japanese police sources, the U.C.L.A. Medical Center received donations in excess of a million dollars from yakuza. An investigation at U.C.L.A. found no wrongdoing, and the medical center reported only two hundred thousand dollars in donations, although it acknowledged other signs of giri—for example, one yakuza gave his doctor a case of wine, a watch, and ten thousand dollars.

During the spring, I visited Adelstein in Tokyo, and the first thing he told me was that a week earlier he had been given a diagnosis of liver cancer.

He had known Adelstein for more than fifteen years. When I asked how they had first met, he told the story casually, as if these were the details of an everyday personal encounter. In 1993, an associate of Mochizuki’s was blackmailing the criminal owner of a pet store, so the owner murdered the yakuza, and, according to rumor, carved up the body and fed it to his dogs. Adelstein, who was single at the time, covered the story and interviewed the dead yakuza’s meth-head girlfriend; almost immediately, they began sleeping together. One day, Mochizuki went to the girlfriend’s house to pay his condolences, and Adelstein answered the door, postcoital.

Adelstein has published a book about his adventures on the police beat, “Tokyo Vice,” and is working on two more. A few years ago, he researched human trafficking for the U.S. State Department, and now he serves as a board member for the Polaris Project Japan, a nonprofit that combats the sex trade

Adelstein follows his strict rules of reciprocity and protection of sources, but otherwise he is willing to do nearly anything to get a story. He said that once, after his marriage had fallen apart, a lonely female cop offered access to a file on Goto if he slept with her, so he did. In the red-light district, he relies on foreign strippers for information, and on a few occasions when they have run into visa problems he has introduced them to gay salarymen who need wives in order to rise at their conservative Japanese companies.

She said that her husband had changed after his research took him deep into the criminal underworld. “He was beaten by somebody, so he was wary. He was not goofy Jake anymore,” she said. “He would use words the yakuza way.” She continued, “It has to do with the facial expression, the way they speak. When he got angry, he was like this. We argued once and he said, ‘Omae niwa kankeine! Kono Bakayaro!’ I thought, Oh, he knows bad Japanese now.”

She said that at one time she had hoped he would find a different career, but now she realized that it would never happen. Some of Adelstein’s friends and family told me that he was addicted to the excitement, while others mentioned that he was too attached to the character that he had created. But beneath the chaotic personal life there was also something deeply moralistic about his outlook. He seemed to have more faith in giri than he did in any system of justice, and he could respect even a criminal as long as the man kept his word. “He expects people to be fair and honest,” his father told me.

Stories tended to tumble out of Adelstein, full of crazy yakuza details, and today he told a new one. He said that during his period of obsessive research he had conducted an affair with one of Goto’s mistresses. The gangster reportedly kept more than a dozen women in Tokyo and other cities, and Adelstein slept with one who gave him useful information. Eventually, he helped her escape Goto by introducing her to a gay salaryman who needed a wife and was about to be posted overseas. He said that the couple still shared an address in Europe. I asked what the mistress was like.

“We had this lovely conversation once in bed,” Adelstein said. “She said, ‘Do you love me?’ I said, ‘No, but I like you.’ She said, ‘I like you, too. You’re a lot of fun.’ Then she said, ‘Are you sleeping with me to get information about Goto?’ I said, ‘Pretty much. What about you?’ She said, ‘Well, I hate the motherfucker and every time I sleep with you it’s like I’m stabbing him in the face.’

Is this foreign correspondent a liar?

2015年08月23日 18時21分07秒 | Weblog


Was Paris's Chief Rabbi rescued from an axe-wielding Nazi mob? | via @Telegraph http://j.mp/1Kdxnrq 仏の反ユダヤ主義に関するヴァニティ・フェアの記事の捏造疑惑




But Vanity Fair is facing criticism after a special dispatch on anti-Semitism claiming that commandos were forced to rescue a Chief Rabbi from a Nazi mob in Paris was dismissed as false by French authorities.
According to an investigation published in the magazine's August edition, Chief Rabbi Michel Gugenheim, 65, was said to have heard the ‘axe’ and ‘iron bar’ wielding mob chanting: ‘Hitler was right’ and ‘Jews get out of France’.
He was then rescued by anti-terrorist commandos who left other terrified Jews trapped inside a synagogue, according to the investigation by American journalist Marie Brenner.

The press secretary for the Chief Rabbi of France said the allegations about Michel Gugenheim were "absolutely not true".
The spokesman said: "There was no counter-terrorism unit present [and] there was no Nazi mob outside the synagogue. The Chief Rabbi of Paris has not made any statement in relation to this claim.





2015年08月23日 15時14分22秒 | Weblog








Is that all you have to say? 

このhave to は しなければなならい、must じゃなくて、you have something to say が原型なんだ、みたいな説明があって、ああ、なるほど、と思った覚えがある。







Multi-Cultural Europe welcomes immigrants from all over the world

2015年08月23日 14時54分06秒 | Weblog

Jun / Джюн

北アフリカや中東からの不法移民数千人が非常線を突破しマケドニア・ギリシャ国境からEU圏へ。催涙ガスを使っても止められず。Вести.Ru: Нелегалов не остановят ни газ, ни гранаты http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=2655529















2015年08月23日 14時26分23秒 | Weblog


外務省幹部は「対話は断ち切らない」としており、秋以降の国際会議の場で、首脳会談を行う調整をロシア側としていく方針:まだ理解できないのか?方針の根本的な見直しが必要だってことを:岸田外相の訪ロは白紙に ロシア首相の択捉島訪問受け:朝日 http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASH8Q5J3FH8QUTFK003.html …









だからこそ、この時期 メドベージェフのとった行動はまぬけでしかない。


2015年08月23日 13時54分13秒 | Weblog


The purpose of American power should be to prevent China from achieving regional hegemony in Asia.

2015年08月23日 13時19分03秒 | Weblog


We Asked John Mearsheimer: What Should Be the Purpose of American Power? http://j.mp/1E9N6GV @thenatlinterestさんから

The purpose of American power is to keep the United States safe so its people can prosper economically and live in relative freedom.

The United States—because of geography, its sheer power and its nuclear arsenal—is remarkably secure. There is no need to pursue global domination, much less try to manage the domestic politics of other countries.
There is one meaningful threat to the United States: the appearance of a potential hegemon in Asia or Europe. The purpose of American power should be to ensure that the United States remains a hegemon in the Western Hemisphere, and that there is no regional hegemon in Eurasia. This rationale led the United States to help prevent Imperial Germany, Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union from becoming regional hegemons in the twentieth century, and it remains relevant today.
Regional hegemons are dangerous to the United States, because dominating their own neighborhood would give them freedom to intervene elsewhere, just as the American military is free to roam the planet today. The great danger is that a distant hegemon would eventually start to meddle in the Western Hemisphere, which could present a serious threat to the United States.
Fortunately, there is no potential hegemon in Europe, but there is one in Asia: China. Accordingly, the principal purpose of American power should be to maintain U.S. dominance in the Western Hemisphere and prevent China from achieving regional hegemony in Asia.



Probably Jake Adelstein is a sex slave denier.

2015年08月23日 12時37分04秒 | Weblog

問題は日本軍の性奴隷制度が悪であったことを前提として、同じ制度である、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争における韓国軍、米軍のための性奴隷制度について摘発すべきにもかかわらず、米軍性奴隷については、ジャーナリストであり、polaris projectに参加しているにもかかわらず、Jake Adelstein氏が、それについて一言も言及もしないし、非難しないことである。


Sex Slavery for Japanese military was wrong. Japan admited it and apologized and offered compensation. Why can't Jake Adelstein admit Sex Slavery for Korean military and U.S. military was also wrong and write an article demanding Korean and American government to apologize as Japanese government did?

He is a typical American nationalist:He loves accusing other country but ignores wrongs the U.S. did.
He is like White Supremacist journalist who collect only crimes done by Blacks, advertising Blacks are dirty and criminals while ignoring crimes committed by White people.

Most likely he is a sex slave denier.


2015年08月23日 10時08分57秒 | Weblog


@nofrills nofrillsさんがリツイートしました Joseph Willits
ゴミ収集がストップして大変なことになっているベイルートでの抗議行動のプラカード。政治家たちがゴミ袋に入れられた写真に、「リサイクルしてはならないゴミがある」と英語で書いてある。 nofrillsさんが追加

Joseph Willits @josephwillits
One reaction to #Lebanon's politicians at #Beirut protest V @MazloumNa



"America right now is worse than Holocaust 1930 Germany"

2015年08月23日 08時41分28秒 | Weblog
MilkJamJuice is Back in duh HOUSE!! (2.5 Oyajis!)

主題は、Stupid Stereotypes About Japan のようだが、主題に入るのは、48分ごろから。

全般に、Hikosaemon 氏が、常識的な応答をしている。

A hostile african-american says 日本の人種差別はアメリカの1950年代なみだ、と


America right now is worse than Holocaust 1930 Germany


その後、日本人が黒人についてPC(political correctness)にそわない発言をしている事例をあげている。





The perpetual foreigner stereotype

The perpetual foreigner stereotype in America is applied mainly to Asian Americans. No matter how long they or their families have lived in the country, they are still not seen as True Americans, they are still seen as foreigners. That is why people are surprised at how good their English is and ask them, “Where are you really from?” – where New Jersey does not count as an answer.



返信 ·

ThatDutchguy 1 時間前
I have seen an tv interview with miss Japan(Ariane)she did complain about the fact that the foreign media had way more attention for her then the domestic Japanese one!She also did get hurtful comments from many Japanese,she recognised that it wasn't said(mostly)out of malice but,there is no excuse for stupid!So,there is definitely a need there for cultural and intercultural education(should be mandatory)in Japan,i know both Hikosaemon and Victor's child/children will benefit from that!

Just as there is definitely a need there for cultural and intercultural education(should be mandatory)in the U.S.



