Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年04月05日 03時53分34秒 | Weblog

The statement, which was carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), stated that 'the merciless operation of its revolutionary armed forces in this regard has been finally examined and ratified.'
But the Pentagon said the anti-missile shield would be ready within weeks to address the 'real and clear danger' that the communist state presents to the U.S. and its allies

U.S. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said: 'Some of the actions they've taken over the last few weeks present a real and clear danger and threat to the interests, certainly of our allies, starting with South Korea and Japan, and also the threats that the North Koreans have leveled directly at the United States regarding our base in Guam, threatened Hawaii, threatened the West Coast of the United States,' Hagel said yesterday

「爆発の時は迫っている」 北朝鮮が警告 核攻撃も示唆
2013.04.04 Thu posted at 11:44 JST


 [ロンドン 3日 ロイター] 北朝鮮は、「多様な核攻撃」の可能性を含め、米国に対する攻撃を「承認した」と同国政府に通知したことを明らかにした。朝鮮中央通信社(KCNA)が報じた。



Seoul says N. Korea missiles don’t target US as Washington shows military build-up
Get short URL Published time: April 04, 2013 09:40

Seoul-based correspondent Joseph Kim says the US pursues its own interests when getting more involved in the conflict. It“continuously monitors and gains more influence in the region.”

“They are technically trying to get back to East Asia to be able to counter China and its growing power in terms of the economy. And why not use North Korea?” Kim told RT.

Pyongyang has expressed a desire to “start communication” with Washington, Joseph Kim told RT, but

“Washington’s presence in South Korea is growing larger.” Anti-war activist Eugene Puryear from the ANSWER coalition believes that a peaceful solution to the crisis is possible but blames the United States for hampering it.

“What people need to understand is that the North Korean government - the DPRK - has consistently put forward four basic principles to the United States in negotiations. One is to sign a peace treaty to end the Korean War - most people don’t realize this, at least in the United States, after the war ended in 1953 the United States has refused to sign any sort of peace treaty, they’ve only signed an armistice,” he explained to RT.

“North Korea has consistently asked for a peace treaty, with the de-militarization of the peninsula, and bilateral talks with the United States to reduce tensions. So I think if the United States would put down their weapons, sign a peace treaty, and let North Korea know that they were not aiming to overthrow their regime, as they have consistently hinted towards, then they would be able to back out of this crisis in a very peaceful way.”

As for the means the US chooses to achieve its ends, there are questions remaining as to the efficacy.

Gregory Elich, a member of think tank for the advisory board at the Korea Policy Institute, told RT the United States is interested in the collapse of the North, as the US “can establish their military bases right on the border with China, meaning an encirclement of that nation.” He added that America never “never tolerated a country that won’t put its economy at the service of foreign corporations.”




朝鮮学校への防犯ブザー配布中止 東京・町田市教委






Alienated white working classes should attend citizenship ceremonies to help them feel part of British society again, says Cameron's poverty tsar
Labour MP Frank Field said white working classes are unsure of identities
He told conference that English society has 'lost confidence in what it is'
Concerns over immigration's impact on white working class communities
PUBLISHED: 15:36 GMT, 4 April 2013 | UPDATED: 15:36 GMT, 4 April 2013



Scientific racism, militarism, and the new atheists
Leading figures in the new atheist movement are heirs to the disreputable scientific racists of the past, argues author.

Last Modified: 02 Apr 2013 13:16

Famous philosopher Voltaire - whose works were among the most significant of the French Enlightenment - wrote of his empirical research on those humans who possessed dark skin:

"They are not men, except in their stature, with the faculty of speech and thought at a degree far distant to ours. Such are the ones that I have seen and examined."

Harris' pseudoscientific characterisations of Muslims dovetail nicely with his extreme right-wing views on military intervention in Muslim-majority countries. As he has said:

"It is time we admitted that we are not at war with terrorism. We are at war with Islam."

Where once scientific racism was trotted out to justify the horrific institution of slavery, today it is produced to justify the wars of aggression, torture and extra-judicial killings of the 21st century. Scientists in the service of power, who once employed Phrenology to "prove" the racial inferiority of blacks, now enthusiastically push forward the belief that Muslims as a people lack basic humanity.

Just as it is incumbent upon Muslims to marginalise their own violent extremists, mainstream atheists must work to disavow those such as Harris who would tarnish their movement by associating it with a virulently racist, violent and exploitative worldview.

 有色人は人間以下の存在だ、とフランス人哲学者ヴォルテールはかつて、説き、我々は、テロリズムと戦っているのではない、イスラム教と戦っているのだ、と説く論者が現在ではいる。かつて、科学的な人種主義が奴隷制度などを正当化するために使われたように、現代ではイスラム教徒が人間以下の存在として描写され、イスラム国に対する戦争や、イスラム教徒に対する拷問が正当化されようとしている。 イスラム教徒がその過激派を抑えるこむのが必要なように、イスラム教徒を差別する論者たちを抑え込む必要もある、と。


Campaigns on Multiple Fronts Against Whale Hunting
Published: April 3, 2013

The nation that has hunted the most whales in recent years is Japan. It does so under a scientific exemption, saying that the whale hunts are for research purposes. But the whale meat is sold to consumers ― officially, as a byproduct of the research. Environmentalists charge that the Japanese whaling program relies on heavy subsidies.

“The fact is that more than half a million Antarctic minke whales can easily support an annual harvest,” Yoshihiro Fujise, director general of the Institute of Cetacean Research, which conducts Japan’s Antarctic whaling program, said in a statement last year. Minke are the type that Japan mostly hunts.

The International Whaling Commission’s most recent estimate, published in 2012, shows that there were about 515,000 minke whales in Antarctic waters in the period between 1992 and 2004.

Tensions over Japan’s whaling practices have existed for years. An anti-whaling group, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, regularly pursues Japanese whaling boats, igniting confrontations on the high seas. Japan has complained bitterly about these tactics. Recently, a three-judge panel of a U.S. court in San Francisco took its side.

In a dramatically worded ruling in February, the chief judge, Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, wrote: “You don’t need a peg leg or an eye patch. When you ram ships; hurl glass containers of acid; drag metal-reinforced ropes in the water to damage propellers and rudders; launch smoke bombs and flares with hooks; and point high-powered lasers at other ships, you are, without a doubt, a pirate, no matter how high-minded you believe your purpose to be.”





The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors hate in the US, describes the ABT as "the most violent extremist group in the United States". It says the gang, thought to have around 2,000 members, has committed "at least" 29 murders in the US between 2000-12.

Today the Southern Poverty Law Center estimates that the California-led Aryan Brotherhood has some 20,000 members both in and out of custody. In 2011 the FBI said it was active in 16 states as far apart as Washington, Virginia, Tennessee and Indiana.



Although its constitution demands that members must be "genetically of European ancestry" and believe in "the racial purity of the white race", its leaders have proved pragmatic in their dealings with non-white outsiders.

"They are a criminal syndicate first and the ideology comes second," says Levin. "They will work with other criminal syndicates even if they belong to ethnicities they dislike - it even says so in their constitution."




2013年04月05日 02時03分19秒 | Weblog
英首相:北朝鮮ミサイル 「全欧州の脅威となる」
毎日新聞 2013年04月04日 19時37分







There are those who say we can’t afford Trident any more, so we either need to find a viable cheaper option, or rely on the United States to protect us.

But as Prime Minister, with ultimate responsibility for the nation’s security, I profoundly disagree with them. Let me explain why.

The significant new factor we have to consider is this: the number of nuclear states has not diminished in recent years – and there is a real risk of new nuclear-armed states emerging.

Last year North Korea unveiled a long-range ballistic missile which it claims can reach the whole of the United States. If this became a reality it would also affect the whole of Europe

does anyone seriously argue that it would be wise for Britain, faced with this evolving threat today, to surrender our deterrent? At the end of the day these issues are matters of judgment. My judgment is that it would be foolish to leave Britain defenceless against a continuing, and growing, nuclear threat.

I have seen no evidence that there are cheaper ways of providing a credible alternative to our plans for a successor and I am simply not prepared to settle for something that does not do the job. Furthermore, trying to save money by just relying on the United States to act on our behalf allows potential adversaries to gamble that one day the US might not put itself at risk in order to deter an attack on the UK.


Cameron in coalition rift over Trident nuclear system
By Andrew Osborn
LONDON | Thu Apr 4, 2013 4:16pm BST

Cameron's intervention coincided with a visit he made to Scotland, where the submarines are based, to welcome the crew of one vessel back from a patrol.

He used the trip to explain why he thought Scots should vote to stay part of Britain in an independence referendum next year, but the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) accused him of scaremongering after he said Scottish defence jobs were more secure while Scotland was part of Britain.



Cameron Urges Support for British Nuclear Deterrent
Published: April 4, 2013

LONDON ― Citing tensions with Iran and North Korea, Prime Minister David Cameron offered a strong defense of Britain’s nuclear deterrent on Thursday as he prepared to travel to Scotland, where nationalists seeking independence in a referendum next year want to expel nuclear-armed submarines.







We’ve been married for 18 years, but now my Japanese wife isn’t allowed back in UK http://j.mp/ZBsrjG @standardnewsさんから

We’ve been married for 18 years, but now my Japanese wife isn’t allowed back in UK
04 April 2013

She was scheduled to fly back to the UK in February this year, but was refused a re-entry visa on the grounds she has been absent for longer than the two years permitted.

Japanese wife of British man is banned from returning to UK despite them being married for 18 years
Machiko Oyama, 56, has been married to William Judge, 70, for 18 years
She returned to Japan in 2005 to care for her terminally ill mother
Denied re-entry to Britain because she was abroad longer than two years
Mr Judge must now fight his wife's case at immigration tribunal
PUBLISHED: 16:14 GMT, 4 April 2013 | UPDATED: 16:25 GMT, 4 April 2013

Ms Oyama applied to return to the UK in February but was denied permission on the grounds that she had been abroad longer than the permitted two years under immigration rules.
The couple had assumed a section of the legislation which makes an exception for those who maintain a strong connection to Britain would apply to them as a married couple.
But now Mr Judge faces going before an immigration tribunal to argue for his wife to be allowed into the country - a situation he describes as 'ludicrous,' the Standard reports.



