Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

伊 民族浄化 他

2010年01月11日 18時40分04秒 | Weblog
イタリア:アフリカ系移民、差別に抗議 住民と衝突、500人脱出--南部ロザルノ


Southern Italian town world's 'only white town' after ethnic cleansing
Authorities remove all remaining immigrants out of Rosarno for own protection after locals unleash bloody ethnic cleansing

John Hooper in Rome
The Guardian, Monday 11 January 2010

After two days and nights of violence that began with the apparently motiveless shooting of two African workers, the number of injured stood at 53, comprising 18 police, 14 local people and 21 immigrants, eight of whom were in hospital.

Some of the crop-pickers had been shot; others had been beaten with metal bars or wooden clubs as local people took indiscriminate vengeance after a riot of Thursday in which more than 100 Africans caused extensive damage in the town to protest at the shootings.


Maroni criticised local authorities for turning a blind eye to the widespread, irregular use of immigrant labour, adding that they had created communities of foreigners that were "bombs primed to go off".



AUSTIN, Texas Jan. 9, 2010
Innocence Lost: The Yogurt Shop Murders

48 Hours: Four Teenagers Murdered, Two Murder Convictions; 18 Years Later, Case Is Blown Wide Open ・・・・On the night of Dec. 6, 1991, four teenage girls were found murdered in an Austin, Texas I Can't Believe It?s Yogurt! shop. The crime scene was described by the lead detective as "wholesale carnage."

The four victims - Jennifer Harbison, her sister, Sarah, Eliza Thomas, and Amy Ayers - were so young and their deaths, so senseless.

CBS 60 Minutes(シックスティーミニッツ )






ACLU: Details of immigrant deaths hidden
Published: Jan. 10, 2010 at 10:53 AM

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Some U.S. immigration officials allegedly hid evidence of abuse against detainees who died in their care, the American Civil Liberties Union said.

A culture of secrecy persists within Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and within a network of federal centers and jails where non-citizens are held while the U.S. government tries to deport them, the ACLU and The New York Times reported Sunday after a joint investigation

In all, 107 men and women have died in ICE detention since the agency's creation in 2003, including a detainee who committed suicide after pain medication for a broken leg was withheld, the Times reported.

Other death cases involved a detainee who died of untreated penile cancer and a detainee who suffered a skull fracture in a detention center but allegedly was left untreated in an isolation cell for 13 hours, the Times reported.


 アメリカのゼノフォビアを象徴するか、あるいは、閉鎖性を象徴するか、あるいは、反リベラル的態度を象徴するか、人種差別国家を象徴するのか? どの国でもある行政・官僚の悪徳とみるか、どうみるかは、記者や読者がどんな色眼鏡をつけているかによる。

関連記事 ビデオ

What Really Happened to Boubacar Bah?
An immigrant detainee died in custody under mysterious circumstances. Now, recently obtained video and documents show that federal immigration authorities withheld information about a dying man.

Officials Hid Truth of Immigrant Deaths in Jail

Published: January 9, 2010

Documents Reveal Earlier Immigrant Deaths

Published: January 9, 2010

Student accused in Newark airport incident
Published: Jan. 10, 2010 at 2:17 PM

U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., initially urged for Jiang's visa to be revoked because of last Sunday's incident, but later the senator slightly softened his stance regarding the Chinese student.

"He's really an unwelcome guest," Lautenberg said of Jiang. "He should be returned to his homeland."

Ning Huang, a friend of Jiang's, insisted his friend simply made a bad choice in the name of romance.

"He just wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend," Huang told the Star-Ledger.


11 January 2010

US Senate leader Harry Reid rejects resignation calls

Senator Reid has apologised for saying two years ago that America would accept Mr Obama because he is "light skinned" and doesn't have a "negro dialect".
President Obama has accepted his apology, but Republicans say Senator Reid should step down.


11 January 2010

French Guiana and Martinique reject increased autonomy

Voters were asked whether they wanted local government to be given more powers, a change that would make the departments more like autonomous French territories, including New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.
The two territories have been departments - giving them the same political status as mainland France - for more than 60 years, and receive considerable financial support from central government.
One voter in Martinique questioned whether the country could cope politically with more autonomy.



9 January 2010

Small bomb explodes near Greek parliament in Athens



EGYPT: Police stand guard amid tense calm between Muslims and Christians
January 10, 2010 | (LAtimes)

After two days of deadly violence and recriminations between Muslims and Christian Copts, the town of Nag Hammadi was relatively quiet today as security forces stood guard over burned buildings and alleyways.

The mood in the city, 40 miles north of Luxor, has been one of anger and nervous jitters since six Copts and a Muslim guard were killed and nine others were severely injured in a drive-by shooting outside a church during the Coptic Christmas Eve on Wednesday.

The next morning, thousands of Copts demonstrated at the Nag Hammadi hospital – where bodies of the dead and the injured had been taken – and set vehicles and shops ablaze before police forces intervened. Minor clashes also sprang up Thursday between Christians and security personnel during funerals for the six killed.


Mossad, US Gov't Behind Eunuch Bomber: DC Imam Abu Alim Musa



January isn't a month for looking sexy


Women with full lips 'look younger'
Women who have plump full lips look younger than their years, scientists have said.

Published: 12:16PM GMT 10 Jan 2010

The lips of both men and women reach their fullest in early adulthood, but then start getting thinner between the age of 30 and 40



2010年01月11日 03時16分42秒 | Weblog

9 January 2010

Migrants evacuated from southern Italian town

Many of the migrants, most of whom work as fruit-pickers in the region's citrus farms, live in difficult conditions - camped in abandoned factories and buildings with no running water or electricity, and paid as little as 20 euros ($30) per day.

10 January 2010

Pope Benedict XVI urges Italy to respect migrants

The workers live in sordid conditions and are paid very low wages, out of which they have to pay kickbacks to their bosses, says our correspondent.
Wages are handed out in cash, labour laws and safety and health regulations are ignored, and no taxes or welfare contributions are ever paid.


1) 電気も水道もない廃墟ビルでの悲惨な生活
2) 移民を搾取する暴力団

China becomes biggest exporter

China spurs Australian mining boom


Debunking the "five breached treaties"


9 January 2010

Man arrested after kiss sparked Newark airport scare

A surveillance video shows a man in a light-coloured jacket slipping underneath a security cordon at the airport, shortly after being told by an official to move away.
'Not some prank'
After the security official steps away, a man believed to be Mr Jiang is seen ducking underneath the security cordon and kissing a woman in a long white coat, before walking away with her, arm-in-arm toward the boarding area.

Northern Ireland policeman fighting for life after car bomb explosion
Dissident republican terrorists seriously injure Catholic police officer in booby trap car bomb attack in County Antrim

Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 201

"I am outraged that a very small number of people still believe that using violence will achieve anything.

 北アイルランド 反政府テロリストがパトカーを爆破 警官は重症

U.S. Says Sex Abuse High at 13 Juvenile Centers
Justice Dept.: More Than 12% of Children in Juvenile Prisons are Sexually Victimized
By Martha T. Moore, USA TODAY
Jan. 8, 2009


スリーパーズ - goo 映画みたいな感じか?

NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2010
Make Your Teeth Smile-Worthy!
Dentist Discusses Latest Methods, Products for Whitening, Straightening Them

A survey by the American Dental Association found that a person's smile outranked eyes, hair and the body as the most important physical feature.


Japan is reluctantly coming to terms with foreigners, writes Le Monde's Philippe Mesmer




中国のネットで不買運動の声も 米国の対台湾武器売却に反発
