

Kiss on the street!

2007年07月21日 | ウィーン
I think it is not only in Vienna, but in most European countries that people kiss on the street.

My son who is 2 year-old Japanese boy kisses me or my wife very well, although I never tell him how to kiss. Whatever he sees must stimulate him and be learned by him because of his tremendous curious.

You must be aware that people kiss on the street everywhere, anytime, if you walk on the street in European country. If you live in Japan, it might be seldom. If anything you may regard them as immorality or stranger with kissing around other people. I would ask you, if you think so, where they should go when they love each other so much.

I have noticed that there are huge number of hotel, so called “lovehotel” which is special hotel for only do sex, at every town and everywhere behind the key station in Japan. That might be why Japanese people do not kiss on the street. They can get easily special hotel to make a love only. Do you think this is good manner or good morality?
I have never seen such a special hotel in EU country.

I would think that kissing on everywhere is absolutely good for healthy sprit and also for healthy morality. Apparently there are increased in immorality crime or inhumanity behavior in Japan. Somewhat sophisticated, high educated, and also stressful society may be associated with increasing in such a inhumanity related.

I think it is really essential for keeping good mental spit that people should love their partner with kissing everywhere anytime.
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