踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

アメリカンスタイル社交ダンス・アルゼンチンタンゴ・ブライダルダンス jsdc.org bridaldance.net

お祭りで入賞 Won a Prize

2007年10月09日 | JSDT

JSDT(Japan Social Dance Theater) performance members, Miki Shimizu, Yutaka Amano, Yukimichi Ogura, and Sachiyo Shikama, as a salsa team, joined Performance Carnival in Karasuyama's Community Festival on Monday, October 8th.
Out of 22 groups of performers and artists, JSDC took second prize as one of the best teams.
Demonstrating a variety of lifts and turns, our team got lots of cheering and clapping at the end of their performance.
Don't miss their performance at Halloween de Bunkanohi Party next month.


いつも応援ありがとう Thank you for reading JSDC blog
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