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人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記40章 人間も脇役

2023年01月15日 07時32分37秒 | ヨブ記
ヨブ記40章 神の応答(4)カバも人間に並ぶ、神の傑作


Job 40: God's Response (4) The Hippopotamus is God's Masterpiece, Alongside Man
1. Job, who is tight-lipped before God (40:1-5)
 God confronts Job head-on. He calls Job "an accuser" (v. 1), or "a scourger. Job realizes that he has brought difficulty upon God. He realizes that he has been speaking to God on an equal footing with a man who is nothing more than a creature made from the dust of the ground (v. 2). And yet, God is speaking intimately with Job. Job is fearful and keeps his mouth shut. There are many strange beings in this world that humans do not see any value in, as described in chapters 38 and 39. Yet God finds value in them and nourishes and protects them. God does not think like a human being. God sees and protects the created world according to His own measure.
2. God speaking to Job (40:6-14)
Some consider the verses after verse 4 to be a postexilic addition, but there is no need to understand it that way. God continues to speak (v. 6). Go over me and make a decision that overturns my judgment (v. 10). Let the seat of God's judgment be upon those who do evil, scatter their wrath (v. 10), kick them to the ground with a single breath, and destroy them (v. 12). Do not allow them a goodly burial, but give them a dower, and shut them up in the land of the dead (v. 13). If you can do that, I will recognize you as one who overturns My decisions and surpasses Me. You have triumphed in your own strength, and you have won the victory.
Job's concern was what would happen to his righteousness as God's covenant people. God's covenant people deserve special treatment (Ps. 4:3), but why don't they get it? But the more we dwell on it, the more we condemn God (v. 8). The more we dwell on it, however, the more we condemn God (v. 8), and the more we challenge God's decision, the more we make God an illegitimate person.
3. the river horse is God's masterpiece along with man (40:15-24)
 God does not give Job a straight answer. He simply tries to speak intimately with Job. He tries to speak to Job with all his might, with words on his knees. This is similar to a parent trying to tell an infant something that the infant does not understand in a way that is easy to understand. So first, God admonishes Job to take a broad view of the world of creation and shows him that they are not made to be grasped on a human scale.
Take, for example, the beasts that man calls river horses. They are not beasts that are meant to be man's livestock. Nor do they bring any benefit to humans. It is a background entity that is not looked upon by human society. Yet God tells us that He delights in and cares for the beast that He created with man. In fact, the stature of the river horse is imposing, something that man could not create, an imposing stature, and there is no doubt that it is God's masterpiece. It is a testimony to God's creative power (vv. 17-19). God speaks. They graze quietly and enjoy the produce of the mountains, and the beasts of the field live peacefully around them (v. 20). They usually pass the time leisurely in the waters of the swamps (vv. 21-22). And even when the Jordan River overflows, so much so that it pours down in torrents of rain into its mouth, they do not panic, unlike the other animals (v. 23). They only stick out their eyes and noses and do not move. You can catch this river horse, he asked.
I am part of me wonders how long this dialogue lasted. While Job listens directly, God speaks word for word, touching the folds of Job's heart and allowing the Word of God to soak into his soul. As you listen to God's words to Job, you will be impressed once again that God does not mistreat any human being or small animal. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What were the birds that Jesus mentioned in his illustration of God's certain concern for mankind? (1) sparrows, (2) crows, and (3) quails. The answer was (1) sparrow (Matthew 10:29-31). Now, here is today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the lake into which the Jordan River first flows? (1) Lake Hule, (2) Lake Galilee, and (3) the Dead Sea. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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