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人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記33章 対等に語る

2023年01月08日 07時22分10秒 | ヨブ記
ヨブ記33章1-11 エリフの弁論(2)ヨブと対等に語りたい


Job 33:1-11 Elihu's Argument (2) I Want to Speak Equally with Job
What Elihu is saying is not much different from what the three friends are saying. The difference is his position.
I want to speak to Job as an equal (33:1-7).
Elihu says. Job, please open your heart and listen to me (v. 1) I will speak frankly what I have to say (vv. 2, 3). If you have something to say, too, do not hesitate to say it (v. 5). We are equals in God's eyes. You and I are both created by God (v. 6). So relax and speak naturally (v. 7). Elihu is clearly speaking to Job not in a condescending manner, unlike the three friends, but as a companion who stands in the same position as Job and humbly looks up to God. It is because of this humility of Elihu's, or his willingness to empathize with Job, that Elihu's words capture Job's heart.
2. "Job, God and you are not equal (33:8-13)
That is why Elihu tells Job straight out that he is wrong. Job, indeed, what you have said is that God has no right to condemn you (vv. 8-9), and God is going to watch my actions as if He make a fuss of details, trying to make me take responsibility for each one of them. It means that God has become my enemy (vv. 10-11). But you are wrong. Now you have lost the fear of the great God (v. 12). Why do you assume that you will argue with God? You and I are equal, but God and you are not. We are only like clay made by God, and we only accept God's will (v. 13).
Indeed, one must fear God. But God is God and man is man. The sense that one must not transgress that boundary is somehow dulled. And we may act as if we and God are on a pedestal. Do not be deceived by pride.
3. God is indeed speaking (33:14-22)
Elihu says. Job, God speaks in many ways, but man does not realize it (v. 14). For example, God sometimes speaks in dreams and visions at night (v. 15; Gen. 28:10-15). Man is corrected by it (v. 17) and sees the light ahead (v. 18). God may also speak in sickness and pain (v. 19). God also speaks to people through their pain when they are in a situation where they are almost lying in a coffin (v. 22).
4. God will restore you through a mediator (33:23-28)
But what you need in such trials, as you say, would be a mediator (v. 23). You need a mediator to intercede with God who chastens you. Then God will say, "Let it end there. Your atonement is enough. And God will restore you (v. 25). God will answer your prayers with a resounding "smite" (v. 26), and you will be able to rejoice (v. 28).
5. now is the time for you to listen (33:29-33)
One's life is a repetition of this (v. 29). It may seem unbearable, but God will surely bring man back from the brink of destruction and restore him (v. 30). Job, you know that. Of course, if you have anything to say to me, I will listen as much as you want. But first I will speak. I am not going to engage in a war of words. If what you say makes sense, I will accept it (v. 32). But if you nod your head to what I say, listen first. Is not now the time for you to learn and be taught (v. 33)?
Elihu speaks powerfully while trying to be close to Job's heart. Elihu is also the only one who sympathizes with Job's most sought-after intercessor, the mediator. We can learn from Elihu who persuades people's souls. I pray that today will be a good day for all of us.

<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. The story of Abraham's visit to Egypt is from which period of the Egyptian Kingdom? (1) Old Kingdom Period (2575-2134BC), (2) Middle Kingdom Period (2040-1640BC), (3) New Kingdom Period (1550-1070BC). The answer was (2) Middle Kingdom Period. Now for today's Bible quiz. In what chapter does Elihu suddenly appear in the Book of Job? (1) Chapter 26, (2) Chapter 28, (3) Chapter 32, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.
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