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人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記39章 神の尺度、人間の尺度

2023年01月14日 07時40分44秒 | ヨブ記
ヨブ記39章 神の応答(3)神と自然
Job 39: God's Response (3) God and Nature
1. do you have a care for irrational beings (39:1-18)
God continues his question to Job. In this 39th chapter, God directs Job's attention to the visible world, specifically to the ecology of wild animals. Wild animals are animals that cannot be domesticated. No, they cannot be domesticated. But from their birth to their independence, God is involved. God's concern, care, and protection are also present in the wild goat, wild ass, wild ox, and gnat. In fact, God says Job, you know when the goats will give birth, but you do not know exactly when that time will come (v. 1). They bear their young without human help (v. 3), and as soon as they are born, they grow strong and nurture and no longer need their parents (v. 4). The same is true of the wild ass. Wild asses inhabit the wilderness independently of man. I have decreed it so (vv. 5, 6). The wild ass is unrestrained and powerful. But it is difficult to tame them and use them for cultivation and transportation (vv. 9, 10). If they could be tamed, they would be dependable. They have more horsepower than domestic cattle. But, alas, it is not to be. If they were, they would be worthless and unnecessary to man. But not for me. I recognize their value, and I rejoice in their existence and nourish them. Job, must the value of anything I create be for the benefit of man? The existence of the titmouse is also strange. Even though it has wings, it neither gets feathers nor can it fly (v. 13). They also lay eggs but do not have the wisdom to let them hatch (vv. 14-16). However, when the tadpole starts to run, no horseman can beat it, no rider can beat it. It is a wonder, too, that the preservation of the species is maintained, although from the human point of view it is as meaningless as this existence. But this, too, is God's doing, and so it is.
When these seemingly useless beasts of the field come close to humans and harm them or overpopulate them, humans kill them as if they were a hindrance. Yet God recognizes their value, delights in them, and nourishes them. It is unclear why God would create such seemingly useless beings. God's thinking is very different from that of man. There are many things in man's world that, by man's measure, have been dismissed as utterly useless. Moreover, people even assign a superiority or inferiority among human beings and discard those whom they deem useless. But God does not. God is counting all earthly creatures worthy of His existence.
2. can you shape the habits of animals (39:19-25)
God continues further. Job, consider also the horse. Man tames the horse and makes it into a warhorse. But who has the nature of a warhorse (v. 19)? When the horses start to run, they charge forward without fear of the sword that man thrusts out (v. 22). They frighten their enemies with their momentum, and in the blink of an eye, they kick them to the ground and attack them. Can a human being give such a habit to a horse and nurture it? In the cold season, migratory birds fly southward; is this a habit you have given them (v. 26)? Do eagles build their nests in high places that are inaccessible to man, because you commanded them to do so (v. 27)? The eagle, with its keen eyes, aims at its prey from a distance (v. 29), and if a carcass is lying on the ground, it descends and devours the flesh dripping with its blood, which it gives to its chicks (v. 30).
Man uses horses and eagles, but he cannot develop their habits. God has a plan, and God is counting all this natural ecosystem. If this is the case, we need to accept the various things that happen in the human world as being in God's deep plan and concern. And if we believe in God, it is important to look at the course of events with good expectations. I pray that you will have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Which festival in Israel's history came to be observed much later than the time of Moses? (1) Passover, (2) Pentecost, and (3) Hanukkah. The answer is (3) Hanukkah, which commemorates the cleansing and rededication of the temple defiled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes by Judas Maccabea in 164 BC. It is also called the Festival of Lights. Now for today's Bible quiz. What were the birds that Jesus featured in his illustration of the certainty of God's concern for mankind? (1) sparrows, (2) crows, and (3) quails. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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