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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】マタイの福音書4章 試みを受けるイエス、宣教の開始

2024年04月09日 11時33分47秒 | 福音書
マタイの福音書4章 試みを受けるイエス、宣教の開始
Matthew 4: Jesus on Trial, Beginning of His Mission
1. the Moses Motif
One way to understand the overall structure of Matthew's Gospel is the Moses Motif. This is the view that Matthew's Gospel has a structure corresponding to the Pentateuch of Moses, and that Jesus is the second Moses who delivers all mankind from sin, just as Moses delivered Israel from Egypt. Certainly, that is the way it reads. In fact, Jesus exercised great leadership. However, the episode of the wilderness temptation teaches us that Jesus was different from the leaders of the world.
2. the wilderness temptation
According to legend, the wilderness where Jesus was tempted was Mons Quarantana, a small mountain about 300 meters high in Jericho. It is a rocky mountain with little greenery, and a steep path leads to the summit, where today there is a Greek Orthodox monastery. There Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and felt hungry. Then the devil came and said, "If you are the Son of God, command the stones to become bread. It may be that he is saying, "If you are the Son of God, see that you use your power as you wish and show what you are capable of. But Jesus, the Lord of all, was the one who used his power only for the purpose of displaying the glory of God. In fact, Jesus performed many miracles, but He devoted Himself to teaching about God and His Kingdom. Matthew's Gospel is a record of Jesus' words, a collection of five major sermons.
The devil then quotes Psalm 91:11-12, "If you distinguish yourself from God and say you are His child, why don't you jump down from here and let God protect you, and draw on His power?" Jesus responds that it is to try God. It is one thing to acknowledge God and another to live by acknowledging God's authority.
So, finally, the devil tempts him, "Well, shall you try my power, which is not God? The greatest temptation for a leader of the world is to make something that is not God into a god. They may try to wield their power as God or sell their hearts to evil in order to achieve their goals. But Jesus, though a great leader, was truly the Son of God, dedicated only to obeying God and doing God's will. Therein lies the model of how a Christian should live.
3. the mission in Galilee and the four disciples
From here to chapter 18 is a new section, the record of the mission in and around Galilee. Jesus traveled throughout Israel, but Matthew devotes most of his pages to the record of his ministry in northern Galilee. It is a wonder that Matthew devotes so much space to the record of Jesus' ministry in Northern Galilee. It is just that Northern Galilee was the territory of Herod Antipas at that time. In other words, Matthew says that Jesus "retreated" in verse 12, but in reality, Jesus entered the main body of his enemies, the agents who captured and killed John the Baptist, so to speak. He was not seduced by the devil to help the devil, nor did he unnecessarily bother God's hand, but rather, he spoke the Word of God and carried out his missionary work with an open mind. In other words, he showed his stature as the Lord of all things.
Jesus then called his disciples together. The disciples of that time literally followed their teacher and absorbed his teachings. But Jesus expected them to become fishermen. In other words, they were not to be happy eating the fish they were given, but to be able to catch fish with their own hands. We should digest what we have heard from Jesus, put it into practice in our own lives, and aim to walk in a way that bears good fruit by building up our strength. I pray that today will be another good day.
