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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記6章 大どんでん返し

2022年12月02日 08時14分46秒 | エステル記
6章 神による大どんでん返し
Chapter 6: The Great Surprise by God
1. the king who could not sleep
 It is said that the king could not sleep that night. But this was also God's plan. The literal translation in Hebrew is "sleep fled," and in the Greek of Esther (apocrypha), "the Lord took away sleep from the king. We are told that our daily events, even sleep, occur within God's control. At any rate, the king no longer forced himself to sleep that night, but decided to check the records of his reign. The Book of Records is a record of those who have served the nation. As the king read and listened to the records, he realized that he had made a grave mistake. He had not given Mordecai, who had saved his life, the reward he deserved. Immediately, the king should do something, he thought, and then Haman appeared.
 Haman had probably ordered the construction of the 25-meter-high pillars in a single day, a very difficult rush job indeed. He, too, had given up sleeping himself, had made all the arrangements, and was seeking a meeting with the king before anyone else. Haman was ushered into the king's presence, but he had to take counsel that he had not thought of at all. The king asked him what to do with those whom he wanted to honor. Haman, without thinking deeply, thought that it was about him. So he proposes to do what he wishes, that is, to have the same honor as the king. For Haman, who owned many things, the only thing that remained was the same honor as the king. But he was very much mistaken. He is ordered to give the honor of a king to the very man he was about to kill with his own hands.
2. divine reversal
 It seems that the king was unaware of the clash between the two men. But the common people in the town square could have seen Haman's loss of face, given what had happened so far. Neither Mordecai nor the king attempted to right Haman's wrongs. But it was clear that Haman had been turned away by something, namely God.
However, the mistake that Haman made could have been made by anyone. Many mistakes are the result of pride. Jesus said, "If we do everything we are told, we are useless servants. We only did what we ought to have done" (Luke 17:10). (Luke 17:10). We are nothing more than God's servants, created by God. All honor is due to God. It is easy to think that we have won or lost by our own works. But it is not so. It is God who decides who wins and who loses, and it is in His grace that we receive blessings. Therefore, the honor must go to God.
Mordecai, upon receiving the king's honor, went back to his post. That's really cool. Haman, on the other hand, is filled with a sense of defeat, his self-esteem completely bruised. Moreover, both his wife and his advisors reacted extremely coldly. It is as if they are not their own husbands or associates. Haman boasted of his many family members, but this was only a facade. He had no family to support him and suffer with him. Let us judge correctly what is happiness and what is unhappiness, and let us walk with steadfast joy and gratitude to God who is in control of everything. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. The Persian kings wore blue and white, but what colors did the Midian kings wear? (1) blue and white, (2) red and purple, (3) black, and the answer was (2) red and purple (Judges 8:26). Now for today's Bible quiz, in what year B.C. did King Xerxes ascend to the throne of Persia? (1) 539, (2) 486, (3) 465, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.
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