Jun's Blog in English



2021-08-30 06:30:36 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I watched an American movie titled “Radio”.

The place was a local town in America.
His name is Radio because he loves to listen to radio.
He has a mental disability.

He was always strolling around HANA high school’s ground.
One day, students of the American football club bullied him.
Harold who is a coach and teacher helped him and started
to care Radio.

He asked him to work as an assistant of the football team.
Later, Radio began to work in high school too and
He became popular among people because he is kind, honest, and pure.

But some parents didn’t think the situation was good.
They were worried that Radio might cause some accidents.

Eventually, Harold protected Radio at a risk to his career
and Radio’s position was admitted.

I was impressed very much because this story was a true one.
At last, the person himself appeared in the movie.
He is now 50 years old and working as an assistant coach
of football.

I felt a tolerant society in America.
We should accept diversity.

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