Jun's Blog in English


Food loss

2021-11-27 08:28:01 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here.

I was conscious about food loss and searched it through the
website of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The amount of food loss in Japan is 25 million 310 thousand tons
per one year. Out of this, 6 million tons of food are disposed
although they are consumable. This amount means 47 kg per one Japanese.
This means that all Japanese throw away the same amount of one cup of
rice every day.

Food loss which is eatable is divided two categories.
One is business food loss and it occupies 54%. Another one is
home food loss and it occupies 46%.

What should we do to reduce food loss ?
When we buy food in shops, let’s buy the products whose exspired date
is close and eat as soon as possible.
Even if we realized some scratches or stains on the package, let’s
buy them since the contents are no problem.
When we go to the restaurant, let’s not leave the food.

Let’s thank the people who produce and provide food to us every day!

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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