

☆Eu fixei a proxima pontaria.

2011-08-05 08:24:10 | social



Thank you for teaching me for about 3 months.
At this time my friend who studies abroad now, recommended me the TUJ.
I had not heard about the TUJ, for example the system, method of study in TUJ before I started to study here.
So I found that there were many members studied together and was the Japanese teacher.

Although to tell the conclusion first, I had spent more useful time than before other English lessons.

Your lesson reminded me of the importance of talking without hesitation and of improving the vocabulary. I can not object your teaching.

About confirmation of words, homework of the Journal and book report, I had spent time to make out that study of English needs coming contact with English.
I am sorry not to do the book report.

I fastened the next aim.


2011-08-05 02:45:13 | social
08:45 from goo
☆Japao continuou a contracao equilibra da. #goo_chappu2004 http://goo.gl/0eVLp
14:58 from bitly
スタンドで生で見ることの多かった名DF。残念でしかたがありません。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。⇒サッカー元日本代表・松田直樹選手が死去 : スポーツ : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) http://bit.ly/qn7jD6 via @yomiuri_online
16:37 from ブクログ(booklog.jp)
受入れられますかね、⇒「汚染されている事実」をごまかさずに明らかにさせたうえで、野菜でも魚でもちゃんと流...『原発のウソ (扶桑社新書)』小出 裕章 ☆3 http://bit.ly/o2SY1m #booklog
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