Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-12 06:15:48 | Translation

Ref.>"【動画】"いずれ全世界を制覇する" …中国が「海外派出所」を設置する意図"

>"中国サンゴ船、長崎沖の EEZ内で停船命令に従わず逃走 → 船長逮捕「怖くなって逃げた」"

>"Japan GSDF, US Army Pacific, Philippine Army officials pledge more cooperation"

>【大高未貴】疑惑だらけの中国アパレル SHEIN(シーイン)【デイリーWiLL】

Translation;"We will serve as a detonator for maintaining international order" against China -- the Japan GSDF agreed with the U.S. and Philippine to upgrade cooperation


> 自衛隊と米軍、フィリピン軍の陸上部隊同士の防衛協力を図る「日米比陸軍種ハイレベル懇談」が11日、朝霞駐屯地(東京都練馬区など)で開かれた。
> 陸上自衛隊トップの吉田圭秀陸上幕僚長らが出席。
> 連携強化で一致し、毎年同様の懇談を開くことで合意した。
> 吉田氏は記者会見で「力による一方的な現状変更を認めず、国際秩序を維持する起爆剤になる」と述べた。

On Dec. 11, the "U.S.-Japan-Philippine army high-level meeting" was held at Camp Asaka (Nerima Ward, Tokyo, etc.) to promote defense cooperation among the Ground SDF, U.S. Army and the Philippine Army.
Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida -- Chief of Staff of the Ground SDF, who is top of the GSDF -- and so on participated in it.
They agreed to upgrade cooperation and to hold similar meeting every year.
At a press briefing, Gen. Yoshida said that "We will not accept unilateral changes of the status quo by force, and will serve as a detonator for maintaining international order."

> 3カ国によるこうした懇談は初開催。
> 日米には、中国が東シナ海や南シナ海への海洋進出を強めているのを踏まえ、フィリピンを交えた連携関係を強めたい狙いがあるとみられる。

Such kind of trilateral meeting was held for the 1st time.
It seems that Japan and the U.S. aim to upgrade their cooperative relationship with the Philippines, while taking China's increasing maritime advances in the East and South China Seas in mind.

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