Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;日韓首脳会談の「公算大」、韓国大統領府高官 米国で開催の NATO会議を機に

2024-07-10 06:25:18 | Translation



>"【韓国】「ハミ村を韓国軍が襲った」…ベトナム戦争虐殺生存者、謝罪の言葉聞けず 50年以上"

> S. Korean, Japanese leaders arranging bilateral summit at NATO: Presidential office source

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Japan-S. Korea summit meeting is likely to be held on the sideline of a NATO summit in the U.S. = a senior official of the S. Korean Presidential Official

>"日韓首脳会談の「公算大」、韓国大統領府高官 米国で開催の NATO会議を機に"
> 韓国大統領府高官は9日、尹錫悦大統領が北大西洋条約機構(NATO)首脳会議出席のため10~11日に訪問する米ワシントンで、岸田文雄首相と会談する公算が大きいと明らかにした。
> 先立って訪問中のハワイで「(調整が)進展している」と記者団に述べた。

On July 9, a senior official of the S. Korean Presidential Office said that President Yoon Suk-yeol is likely to hold a meeting with PM Fumio Kishida in Washington in the U.S., to where he will visit on July 10 to 11 to attend a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit.
In Hawaii, where he was visiting ahead of that, he said to reporters that "(coordination is) progressed."

> 実現すれば、日中韓首脳会談を機にソウルで実施した5月 26日以来。
> 北朝鮮とロシアの軍事協力や北朝鮮の核開発を巡り協議するとみられる。
> 尹氏は滞在中、NATOに新加盟したスウェーデン、フィンランドを含む10カ国以上の首脳と会談する見込み。
> 8~9日にハワイに立ち寄り、米インド太平洋軍司令部を訪れる。

If it's realized, it will be the 1st one since May 26, when it was held in Seoul on the sideline of the Sino-Japan-S. Korea summit.
It's forecasted that they will about over Russo-N. Korea military cooperation and nuclear development by N. Korea.
During his stay, President Yoon is expected to meet with leaders of more than 10 countries, including new NATO members Sweden and Finland.
He stops in Hawaii on the 8th and 9th, and visit(ed) the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) Center.

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