Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村博之(ひろゆき)の X(on '24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 21:28:29 | Translation





> 石丸伸二氏に今後を直撃、都知事選で2位躍進 「新党」構想は?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 7/9)


> 女性には論破されるぐらいが大人の対応なのですよ。。。
I can tell you that being defeated in an argument by a female is the adult way to deal with.




> 石丸伸二さんが国会議員にならないなら首長狙いになるけど、安芸高田市規模だと「安芸高田市でやれ」となるし、縁もゆかりもない所だとキツイ。
> 東京のような地元民比率の低い所で規模の大きい自治体だと、渋谷区・杉並区・葛飾区の区長選とか?

If Shinji Ishimaru doesn't become a national lawmaker, he will aim to become the head of a local government. However, if it's the size of Akitakata City, he'll be said to "do it in Akitakata City." If it's a place where he has no ties or connections, it'll be tough for him to be elected.
In a large municipality with a low ratio of local residents like Tokyo, perhaps the mayoral elections for Shibuya, Suginami or Katsushika wards?

>"都知事選敗戦の石丸伸二氏「広島1区も選択肢」発言の意図 「メディアの皆さんが反応するからそう言ってる」"

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