>"訪日韓国人が急増 「何もかもが安くて大興奮した」 楽天やビックカメラがサービス拡充"
>【ゆっくりニュース】韓国メディア 旭日旗掲示時は 2000万ウォン以下の罰金…刑法改正案を発議
↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)
Translation; A Mercedes-Benz with the Rising Sun flag appeared once again in S. Korea = "they're both at fault." & "It's not patriotism," S. Korean netizens expressed so to the angered witnesses
> 2024年7月9日、韓国・YTNは「韓国の道路上でまたしても旭日旗ベンツが目撃された」と伝えた。
> 記事によると、韓国のオンラインコミュニティーに8日、京釜高速道路で「旭日旗ベンツ」を目撃したとの投稿があった。
On July 9, YTN in S. Korea conveyed that "A Mercedes-Benz with the Rising Sun flag was spotted again on a road in S. Korea."
According to the article, it's posted on a S. Korean online community on July 8 reporting that a "Mercedes-Benz with the Rising Sun Flag" was spotted on the Gyeongbu Expressway.
> 投稿者は、リアウインドウに旭日旗のステッカーが2枚貼られたベンツの写真を掲載し、「7日午後5時ごろに目撃した」と説明。
> この車は5月に初めてオンラインコミュニティーに写真が掲載された。
> その後も仁川市西区などで何度か目撃され、物議を醸していたという。
The poster posted a photo showing the Mercedes-Benz with two Rising Sun Flag stickers on the rear window, and explained that "I saw the vehicle around 5pm on July 7."
The said that "I couldn't believe my eyes. I instinctively made my car next to that, rolled down the window and spoke ill of that, and made an abusive gesture at that, and then I was done tailgating driving," and expressed anger that "I saw that online, but it was the 1st time I actually saw that. It was a fresh shock. Whay did something like that occur in S. Korea."
A photo showing the vehicle was 1st posted to an online community in May.
It was allegedly spotted several times since then too in Seo District in Incheonand, etc., and has caused controversy.
> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「厳しく処罰できる法律をつくらないと」「そんなに日本が好きなら移民すればいい」「国民感情に合わない売国行為については、国外追放も検討するべきだ」など怒りの声が上がっている。
> 一方で「無視すればいいのになぜののしる?どっちもどっち」「運転中の悪口、ののしるジェスチャー…。厳しい処罰の必要性に同意する」「先にののしったのだからあおり運転を受けても仕方ない。それは愛国とは違う」との声も見られた。
S. Korean netizens, who read the article, are posting comments of anger as follows;
"We must enact a law that makes it possible to punish that strictly."
"If you love Japan so much, you had better just emigrate (* Japan)."
"We should consider to banish those. who behave in a way that doesn't match the national feelings."
On the other hand, following comments are also posted;
"Why insulted someone, when you could just ignore that? They're both at fault."
"Speaking ill and making abusive gestures while driving... I agree in the necessity of strict punishment."
"Since you insulted someone 1st, it can't be helped but that you was done tailgated driving. That's not patriotism."
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- 翻訳;石破氏、選択的夫婦別姓導入に前向き姿勢 3ヶ月前
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- 翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '23. 12/11) 11ヶ月前
- 翻訳:「朝鮮学校の存在知って」 無償化求める裁判記録の上映会 1年前
- 翻訳:「朝鮮学校の存在知って」 無償化求める裁判記録の上映会 1年前
- 翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '23. 9/12) 1年前
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- 翻訳:[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. アサヒの大逆襲 2年前
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- 翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 11/16)
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