Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;佐藤正久議員(自民党)のツイート(on '24. 5/13)

2024-05-13 20:18:58 | Translation




>"Putin replaces Russia's defense minister with a civilian as Ukraine war rages and defense spending spirals"

> Putin replaces Russian defense and security chiefs

Translation of X (* tweet) by UH lawmaker Masahisa Sato (LDP, aka "captain of the mustache," on '24. 5/13)


> 側近のパドルシェフの次の役職は未定。
> 自身の安全確保のためにも近くに置く可能性。
> 左遷ではなく、息子は副首相に。
> ショイグとゲラシェモフ参謀長から 2012年から国防相と参謀長だが、ショイグのみ新ポストの国家安全保障会議書記へ。
> ウクライナでの本格攻勢前の人事

The next position of his close aide Nikolai Patrushev is undecided.
It's possible to keep him nearby to ensure his own safety in part.
It's not a demotion, as his son takes seat of deputy prime minister.
From 2012, "DM Sergei Shoigu" & "Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov" have kepts their current posts, but only Shoigu is moved to the new post of "Secretary of Russia's Security Council."
Personnel changes ahead of full-scale offensive in Ukraine.


>"プーチン氏、国防相らの交代決断 側近を解任、その息子を副首相に"

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