Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/8)

2024-07-08 22:46:50 | Translation

Ref.>"都知事選投票率は 60.62% 平成以降で2番目の高さ"

>"【動画】蓮舫が2位にすらなれず 3位になった敗因、これかも…"


>"蓮舫氏、まさかの3位に涙… 選対幹部「何が原因かよくわからない」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 7/8)


> 蓮舫支持者「都民はネトウヨ」
Renho supporters say "Tokyo residents are net-uyo."

> れいわなど左翼系が得意とする内輪ノリ。
> 蓮舫さんもやってしまったのね。

This is an intra-group firing up that leftists like Reiwa are good at.
Renho has done it too.



> 蓮舫💣爆弾の破壊力
The destructive power of the Renho bomb💣


>"政党支持率「特にない」47.2% 自民 28.4% 立民 5.2% 世論調査"


> 内輪ウケで勝てると思った人たち。
They are the ones, who thought they could win by getting inside jokes.



> 石丸伸二氏が市長選でポスターやビラの製作を委託した印刷業者から代金の支払いを求められた訴訟で、約 72万円の支払いを命じた二審判決が確定。
> この人と関わると大変そうだ。

In a lawsuit filed by a printing company, to which he outsourced to produce posters and fliers for his mayoral election, against Shinji Ishimaru to seek payment, the 2nd trial verdict ordering him to pay about \720,000 was finalized.
It seems that it's tough to get involved with this guy.

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