Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/13)

2024-05-13 19:31:52 | Translation




>"【 !?】X民「母親に感謝する」→「母親でない人には感謝しない」→「産んでない人を蔑視する」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/13)


> 鹿児島の国政報告会は、少人数でじっくりと。
> 1時間話して、40分質疑応答、2時間懇親会でした。
> 女性の参加者の割合が高く、渾身がも(* 懇親会も)盛り上がりました。
> このような少人数の会でもお声掛けいただければ、駆けつけてお話しさせていただきます。
> 事務所を通じてお申し込みください😊

A national policy briefing session in Kagoshima was in details with small number of attendees.
I talked for 1 hour, spent 40 minute in a Q&A session, and had a 2 hour social gathering.
Female attendees accounter for large portion, and the social gathering was a great success too.
Even though a rally with small number of attendees like this, if I'm asked, I will rush over and talk.
Please contact my office and apply😊
(to be continued)



> こちらは多くの方にお集まりいただきました。
> 平沼騏一郎先生や岸信介先生の書も飾られており、とても素晴らしい会場でした。
> お世話になった林養魚場の皆様にも心から感謝いたします。

(to continue) The next day, a lecture was held in Saigo Village, Fukushima Pref.
This event was attended by many persons.
Even calligraphies by (Late) former PM Kiichiro Hiramuna and (late) former PM Nobusuke Kishi were displayed, it was very wondeful venue.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone at Hayashi fish farm for their assistance.

> 昨日は鹿児島で国政報告会、今日は福島で講演会…を終えて帰宅すると届いていました🌸
> 疲れが一気に吹っ飛びました😊

Yesterday I had a national policy briefing in Kagoshima, and I had a lecture in Fukushima today -- when I got home, it had arrived🌸
My fatigue disappeared all at once😊


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