Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/25)

2024-06-25 20:54:18 | Translation

Ref.>'蓮舫氏、他人の間違いを指摘する時は "生き生き"してしまう…'


>"【韓国紙】嫌韓なのか、そうではないのか… 対馬の神社の韓国人立ち入り禁止措置"

>"【韓国】「日本に観光客を取られている」 危機感抱いた韓国・済州島が対策に乗り出す=ネット「もう手遅れ」"


> Korean War 74 years on: Where are two Koreas headed?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/25)


> 民主党政権の時の方がもっと怖かったんですけど?😨
It was more frightening when the Democratic Party was in power!?😨



> 激しく同意。

I Totally agree (* with Elon Musk).
It has a point when "political party" is replaced with "ethnic group," "country," "family," "hometown," etc🤔
>"Anyone who claims that their political party does no wrong and the other party does no right is either a liar, a fool or both."

> 時価総額世界一位になって話題沸騰中の Nvidia。
> 在職者の出身大学。
> イスラエルがトップ。
> これは凄い😨

Nvidia, which is now the hot topic as it has become the world number one company in terms of market capitalization.
The universities where current employees graduated.
Israel is at the top.
This is amazing😨



> 6月 25日は朝鮮戦争勃発の日
> 軍人だった私の祖父は家族を残して早朝から部隊に復帰
> 残された家族はその後北朝鮮軍占領下のソウルで3ヶ月間の逃亡生活を余儀なくされる。
> 北朝鮮軍が軍警の家族を逮捕し虐殺したから😨
> 一番怖かったのは北朝鮮軍ではなく、昨日まで隣人だった左翼系住民たちの密告だったそうだ😰

June 25th was the date, when the Korean War broke out.
My grandfather, who was a soldier, returned to his unit early in the morning, leaving his family behind.
After that, the family was forced to flee for three months in Seoul, which was occupied by the N. Korean army.
The reason why was that N. Korean KPA arrested and massacred the families of soldiers and police officers.
What they were most afraid of was not the KPA, but the betrayal by the left-leaning residents, who were their neighbors until yesterday😰

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