Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 8/3)

2024-08-03 19:46:49 | Translation

Ref.>"豪サーフィン選手、「旭日旗ボード」使用を韓国側の抗議で撤回 パリ五輪"

>"パリ五輪で旭日旗柄のサーフボードを使おうとした豪選手、韓国側の抗議で撤回= 韓国ネットに怒りの声"

>"【話題】『この中国人留学生は M8を爆走させ、事故して日本人を一人殺したのになぜ名前も顔も公表されないんだ?』→ その後、実名報道(※動画)"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 8/3)


> 留学生の外車は1千万円以上の高級車。
> 20年前は来日留学生の中で裕福な人は殆どいなかった。
> しかし今は違うらしい。
> 都内に家を持ってる留学生もいると聞いた😮

The foreign vehicle owned by the international student is a luxury one worth over \10 million.
2 decades ago, there were hardly wealthy international students coming to Japan.
However, it seems to be not so in nowadays.
I've heard that some international students even own houses in Tokyo.

>"トラック運転手死亡の衝突事故 乗用車の中国籍で大学院生の男(23)を危険運転致死容疑で逮捕 防カメには猛スピードで走る様子が 神奈川・海老名市"


> MS社の AI画像生成サービス、Copilot。

Copilot is an image generative AI service of Microsoft.
When I directed to create images showing "boys waving the Rising Sun flag," I got this result🙄

>"<パリ五輪のサーフィン男子> 韓国側の抗議でオーストラリアのスター選手が〝旭日旗サーフボード〟使用を撤回 ⇒ ネットの反応「日本政府、こんなことをいつまで放置しておくつもりだ?」"

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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 8/3)

2024-08-03 18:45:28 | Translation


>"【話題】岸田首相「これからは貯蓄から投資の時代!」「インベスト・イン・キシダ!」→ 乗せられた国民、慌てて新 NISAで投資 → 大暴落… ブラックマンデー以来2位の下げ幅"

>"シー・シェパード創設者のポール・ワトソン容疑者、デンマークが日本に身柄引き渡しへ ⇒ ネットの反応「拘束中は、毎食クジラの竜田揚げ食べさせとけw」「そして弱腰日本政府が釈放へ?」"

> 商業捕鯨で半世紀ぶり ナガスクジラ捕獲

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 8/3)


> 昨日、>"日本の尊厳と国益を護る会"のメンバーで、林芳正官房長官に対し、反捕鯨団体シーシェパードの創始者、ポール・ワトソン容疑者の早期移送、移送後の日本での起訴などを求める要請を行いました。
> 下関市が地元でいらっしゃる林官房長官は、この件に対し、「しっかり対応する」と応えてくださいました。

Yesterday, members of the "Conference to Japan's Dignity and National Interest" (* JDI, headed by UH lawmaker Shigeharu Aoyama (LDP)) requested Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi to quickly transfer suspect Paul Watson, founder of the anti-whaling organization Sea Shepherd, and to prosecute him in Japan after transfer.
CCS Hayashi, whose hometown is Shimonoseki City, responded to this matter by saying that he would "deal with it properly."
(to be continued)

> フランス等は釈放を訴えているのだそうですが、逆に「暴力を許すのか?」と聞いてみたいです。
> ニュースにもなっていました。

(to continue) Even there is a difference in opinion between whaling and anti-whaling, resorting to violence is not permitted in Japan.
France and other countries allegedly call for his release. However, conversely, I would like to ask them, "Do you tolerate violence?"
It was even on the news.

>"ポール・ワトソン容疑者の早期移送、自民「護る会」が要請 「ちゃんと起訴して裁判を」"


> 久しぶりに youtubeアップしました。
> 今回はフランスの総選挙について🇫🇷

I has uploaded a youtube footage for the 1st time for a long time.
> This time it's about the French general election🇫🇷.

>"【フランス総選挙を解説!】たった1週間の逆転劇!? 日本とは違うフランス選挙制度のカラクリを杉田水脈が分かりやすく解説!"

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翻訳;[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 笑顔で参加、ソウルの夏休みは「反日観光」の季節か

2024-08-03 12:12:51 | Translation

Ref.>"【朝日新聞】「朝鮮人犠牲者へ追悼文を」 関東大震災巡り、小池都知事に要請"

>"【韓国】大韓航空、エコノミーでの辛ラーメン提供を中止へ 乱気流によるやけど増加"

>"慰安婦被害者向け寄付金を留保金として積み立て 韓国大法院が「ナヌムの家」に寄付金返還命令"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hello from Seoul]. Participation while smiling = maybe, summer vacation in Seoul is a season of "anti-Japan sight-seeing tour"

>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 笑顔で参加、ソウルの夏休みは「反日観光」の季節か"

> 先日、ソウルの日本大使館裏で毎週やっている慰安婦問題「水曜集会」に笑顔で参加している日本人女性たちの写真が新聞(25日付ハンギョレ)に大きく出ていた。
> 彼女らは「公式謝罪! 法的賠償!」と書かれた日本非難のプラカードを手に路上に座り込み、実に楽しそうに見える。

On the other day, a large photo appeared in the newspaper (the Hankyoreh on the 25th) showing smiling Japanese females joining in the "Wednesday Rally" about comfort women issue, which is held every week behind the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.
They were sitting in on the street holding placards condemning Japan, saying that "official apology! legal compensation!" -- it seems to me that they are really enjoying.

> 報道によると「>"日本軍『慰安婦』問題・関西ネットワーク"」という日本の支援団体のメンバーだとか。
> 韓国の反日団体と一緒になって日本大使館に向かって日本非難を叫んでいる風景だが、それにしてもあの楽しそうな笑顔は目立つ。
> 夏休みシーズンなので観光気分かしら?
> 日本大使館の裏通りは慰安婦少女像の存在で〝反日スポット〟になって久しいが近年、慰安婦問題を虚偽と主張する保守派の定例集会など反撃もあって反日派は気勢をそがれている。
> そこで「8・15」など過去の歴史が浮上する夏は盛り返しのチャンスである。

According to the news report, they are allegedly members of a support organization in Japan, "Japanese Military "Comfort Women" Issue, Kansai Netowork."
It's the scene in which they are shouting to the Japanese embassy with the anti-Japan organization (* the Korean Council) in S. Korea, and in particular, that delighted smiles are outstanding.
As it's the summer vacation season, they are in sight-seeng feelings!?
It's been for many years since the backstreet of the Japanese Embassy has become an "anti-Japan spot" due to presense of the CW statue. However, in recent years, anti-Japan powers are demoralized due to partly counter-attack of regular rallies by conservatives, who argue that CW issue is a fake.
Therefore, the summer, when past history emerges such as "Aug. 15," is an opportunity of resurgence.

> 日本からの参加者はその一つだが今週、現場に出かけてみると、今度は「青少年平和プロジェクト日本軍慰安婦歴史探訪」という韓国の地方の学生グループが参加していた。
> 学生たちの夏休みソウル旅行である。
> 集会は100人ほどで、小型トラックの荷台を舞台に少女たちが Kポップ風の歌と踊りで盛り上げていた。
> どこか〝反日観光〟といった趣である。

The participants from Japan is a part of such efforts, and when I went to the site this week, local students group in S. Korea called "youngsters peace project Japanese forces' CW history reseach tour" paticipated in it this time.
It was a summer vacation tour to Seoul by the students.
The number of participants in the rally was around 100, and girls were firing it up by K-pop taste songs & dances on a stage of a small truck bed.
It was somehow "anti-Japan sight-seeing tour" taste.

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2024-08-03 10:53:46 | Translation


>"柔道金・出口クリスタさんを誹謗中傷していたのは韓国人だった [135853815]"

>"韓国紙「日本はどうやって五輪1位になれた?」 韓国ネット「日本から学ぼう」"

>"【パリ五輪】「比べたくなくても比べるしか…」 出場すら逃した韓国が羨む日本「世界を驚かせた」球技2種目を比較"

> 悲願達成「佐渡島の金山」 世界遺産登録決定に地元は歓声【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年7月27日)

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "The Yoon administration's foreign policy to Japan has long been exposed as a sham" = the newspaper in S. Korea, Hankyoreh, expressed so on listing of the Sado gold mines on UNESCO WCH


> 新潟県の佐渡金山が7月 27日、日本側の申請に基づき、国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の世界遺産に登録された。
> 韓国紙は「佐渡金山の暗い歴史の被害者である韓国の政府が素直に認めたためだ」と指摘。

Based on an application by the Japanese side, on July 27, the Sado gold mines in Niigata Pref. was listed on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.
A newspaper in S. Korea pointed out that >"The inscription was made possible by the government of South Korea, the country whose people were rounded up and forced to toil in the mines, which readily stood in Japan's favor."
It criticized that >"The Yoon administration's foreign policy has long been exposed as a sham with its blatant denials of history and one-sided concessions."

> 世界遺産登録について、韓国外務省は「全体の歴史を佐渡金山の現場に反映するよう勧告した世界遺産委員会の決定を日本が誠実に履行するための先制的な措置を取ることを前提に、登録の決定に同意した」と明らかにした。
> 日本政府は佐渡島内の「相川郷土博物館」に当時の朝鮮人の劣悪な労働環境を示す 6.2坪(21.84平方メートル)の展示室を 28日に設けた。

Concering the UNESCO WHC registration, >'South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that it had agreed to the addition of the Sado mine complex to the World Heritage list "on the condition that Japan sincerely implements the recommendations of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the decision of the World Heritage Committee to reflect the whole history at the site of the Sado mines".'
>"The Japanese government opened an exhibition hall of 21.84 square meters that demonstrated the dismal working conditions of Korean workers in the Aikawa History Museum on Sunday."

> 左派系のハンギョレ新聞は社説で「日帝強占期(日本による植民地時代)に強制的に連れて来られた朝鮮人労働者たちの恨(ハン)がこもった佐渡金山」と主張。
> 日本側は「本来の韓日間での最大の争点である『朝鮮人強制動員』の強制性については全く認めなかった」とした。

The liftist Hankyoreh argued in its editorial that >"The Sado gold mine complex, a site located in Japan's Niigata Prefecture and haunted by the ghosts of Korean slave laborers forced to work during the Japanese colonial occupation."
It explained that >"However, it refused to acknowledge the biggest point of contention between South Korea and Japan: the compulsory nature of how Korean laborers were mobilized."

> 社説は「加納雄大ユネスコ日本大使は朝鮮人強制動員や強制労働などの用語は1回も使わず、すべての労働者の過酷な労働環境を説明するために新たな展示物を設置したとだけ述べた」と言及。

The editorial commented on that >'Takehiro Kano, Japan's ambassador to UNESCO, did not use any phrases that referred to the forced mobilization of Korean workers or forced labor and merely said that Japan had "already installed news exhibition material relating to all the workers at the interpretation and presentation facility in the site to explain the severe conditions of their work".'
It fiercely criticized that >'"All workers" erases the specific nature of the cruel discrimination that only Korean slave laborers were subject to.'

> さらに「歴史を意味の矮小化も同然だ」と断言。

In addition, it asserted that >"History is being tampered with."
It added that >'Japan has taken a significant step backward from 2015, when it acknowledged that "there were a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work under harsh conditions in the 1940s" when Hashima Island, also known as "Battleship Island," was added to the World Heritage list.'

> 尹政権に対しては「まともな精神状態にある政権であれば、このような状況では日本が強制動員の歴史を否定するかぎり佐渡金山の世界遺産登録はありえないという厳しい忠告をするのが当然だ」と注文。

To the Yoon administration, it complained that >"Any Korean administration in its right mind would publicly denounce the designation of the Sado mine complex as a World Heritage site, proclaiming that it could not accept such a decision when Japan's history of forced mobilization is being swept under the rug."
It questioned the response-measures by the administration side that >"However, the current administration is failing to adhere even to the regulations implemented when Hashima Island was being considered for inscription while President Park Geun-hye was in office."

> その上で社説は「尹政権の対日外交は過去の歴史を逆走し一方的に与えるなど、総体的に乱脈の様相を呈して久しい」と論難。

After that, the editorial conplained that >"The Yoon administration's foreign policy has long been exposed as a sham with its blatant denials of history and one-sided concessions."
It emphasized that >"This most recent turn of events further proves its inadequacy. Once again, we find ourselves asking: Just who does this administration serve?."

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翻訳;海自護衛艦、比のフリゲート艦と南シナ海で演習 2国間で初の「協同活動」

2024-08-03 09:28:20 | Translation

Ref.>"Philippines, Japan conduct bilateral MCA for the first time"

>"【ヤバい】「SHEIN」水着などからも発がん性物質確認、浮き輪からは基準値の 218.5倍"

>"【防衛力強化 ???】習主席が国境防衛力の強化指示。中国の東・南シナ海の海洋活動活発化の可能性"


Translation; The 1st bilateral "MCA" = JMSDF destroyer "JS Sazanami" conducted joint drills with Philippines naval frigate "Jose Rizal" in the South China Sea

>"海自護衛艦、比のフリゲート艦と南シナ海で演習 2国間で初の「協同活動」"

> フィリピン軍は2日、海軍フリゲート艦「ホセ・リサール」と海上自衛隊の護衛艦「さざなみ」が南シナ海で同日に通信訓練や戦術運動の合同演習を行ったと発表した。
> 日比2カ国間で初の「海上協同活動」と位置付け、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」に向けた取り組みの一環だとしている。

On Aug. 2, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) released that its naval guided missile frigate BRP "Jose Rizal" and Japanese Maritime SDF destroyer JS Sazanami (DD-113) conducted telecommunication training and tactical manuvuering joint exercises on that day.
It was positioned as the 1st Japan-Philippines bilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA), and explained that it's a part of efforts in order for the "FOIP."

> 南シナ海で中国の威圧にさらされるフィリピン軍は昨年11月以来、南シナ海で米軍やオーストラリア軍と巡回を含む海上協同活動を繰り返し実施。
> 4月には日米比豪、6月には日米比カナダでそれぞれ4カ国間の海上協同活動も行っていた。
> 4月の日米比首脳会談では海上協同活動を推進するとうたっていた。
> フィリピン軍は7月 31日にも南シナ海で米軍と巡回を含む海上協同活動を行った。

The AFP, which has been exposed to Chinese intimidation in the South China Sea, has repeatedly conducted MCA, including patrols, with the U.S. and Australian forces in the South China Sea Since last November.
Quadrilateral MCAs were also conducted -- the U.S., Japan, the Philippines and Australia in April, and the U.S., Japan, the Philippines and Canada in June.
At the U.S.-Japan-Philippines summit in April, it was delared to promote the MCA.
On July 31 too, the AFP conducted a MCA, including patrols, with U.S. Forces in the South China Sea.

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