Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2024-08-03 10:53:46 | Translation


>"柔道金・出口クリスタさんを誹謗中傷していたのは韓国人だった [135853815]"

>"韓国紙「日本はどうやって五輪1位になれた?」 韓国ネット「日本から学ぼう」"

>"【パリ五輪】「比べたくなくても比べるしか…」 出場すら逃した韓国が羨む日本「世界を驚かせた」球技2種目を比較"

> 悲願達成「佐渡島の金山」 世界遺産登録決定に地元は歓声【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年7月27日)

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "The Yoon administration's foreign policy to Japan has long been exposed as a sham" = the newspaper in S. Korea, Hankyoreh, expressed so on listing of the Sado gold mines on UNESCO WCH


> 新潟県の佐渡金山が7月 27日、日本側の申請に基づき、国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の世界遺産に登録された。
> 韓国紙は「佐渡金山の暗い歴史の被害者である韓国の政府が素直に認めたためだ」と指摘。

Based on an application by the Japanese side, on July 27, the Sado gold mines in Niigata Pref. was listed on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.
A newspaper in S. Korea pointed out that >"The inscription was made possible by the government of South Korea, the country whose people were rounded up and forced to toil in the mines, which readily stood in Japan's favor."
It criticized that >"The Yoon administration's foreign policy has long been exposed as a sham with its blatant denials of history and one-sided concessions."

> 世界遺産登録について、韓国外務省は「全体の歴史を佐渡金山の現場に反映するよう勧告した世界遺産委員会の決定を日本が誠実に履行するための先制的な措置を取ることを前提に、登録の決定に同意した」と明らかにした。
> 日本政府は佐渡島内の「相川郷土博物館」に当時の朝鮮人の劣悪な労働環境を示す 6.2坪(21.84平方メートル)の展示室を 28日に設けた。

Concering the UNESCO WHC registration, >'South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that it had agreed to the addition of the Sado mine complex to the World Heritage list "on the condition that Japan sincerely implements the recommendations of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the decision of the World Heritage Committee to reflect the whole history at the site of the Sado mines".'
>"The Japanese government opened an exhibition hall of 21.84 square meters that demonstrated the dismal working conditions of Korean workers in the Aikawa History Museum on Sunday."

> 左派系のハンギョレ新聞は社説で「日帝強占期(日本による植民地時代)に強制的に連れて来られた朝鮮人労働者たちの恨(ハン)がこもった佐渡金山」と主張。
> 日本側は「本来の韓日間での最大の争点である『朝鮮人強制動員』の強制性については全く認めなかった」とした。

The liftist Hankyoreh argued in its editorial that >"The Sado gold mine complex, a site located in Japan's Niigata Prefecture and haunted by the ghosts of Korean slave laborers forced to work during the Japanese colonial occupation."
It explained that >"However, it refused to acknowledge the biggest point of contention between South Korea and Japan: the compulsory nature of how Korean laborers were mobilized."

> 社説は「加納雄大ユネスコ日本大使は朝鮮人強制動員や強制労働などの用語は1回も使わず、すべての労働者の過酷な労働環境を説明するために新たな展示物を設置したとだけ述べた」と言及。

The editorial commented on that >'Takehiro Kano, Japan's ambassador to UNESCO, did not use any phrases that referred to the forced mobilization of Korean workers or forced labor and merely said that Japan had "already installed news exhibition material relating to all the workers at the interpretation and presentation facility in the site to explain the severe conditions of their work".'
It fiercely criticized that >'"All workers" erases the specific nature of the cruel discrimination that only Korean slave laborers were subject to.'

> さらに「歴史を意味の矮小化も同然だ」と断言。

In addition, it asserted that >"History is being tampered with."
It added that >'Japan has taken a significant step backward from 2015, when it acknowledged that "there were a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work under harsh conditions in the 1940s" when Hashima Island, also known as "Battleship Island," was added to the World Heritage list.'

> 尹政権に対しては「まともな精神状態にある政権であれば、このような状況では日本が強制動員の歴史を否定するかぎり佐渡金山の世界遺産登録はありえないという厳しい忠告をするのが当然だ」と注文。

To the Yoon administration, it complained that >"Any Korean administration in its right mind would publicly denounce the designation of the Sado mine complex as a World Heritage site, proclaiming that it could not accept such a decision when Japan's history of forced mobilization is being swept under the rug."
It questioned the response-measures by the administration side that >"However, the current administration is failing to adhere even to the regulations implemented when Hashima Island was being considered for inscription while President Park Geun-hye was in office."

> その上で社説は「尹政権の対日外交は過去の歴史を逆走し一方的に与えるなど、総体的に乱脈の様相を呈して久しい」と論難。

After that, the editorial conplained that >"The Yoon administration's foreign policy has long been exposed as a sham with its blatant denials of history and one-sided concessions."
It emphasized that >"This most recent turn of events further proves its inadequacy. Once again, we find ourselves asking: Just who does this administration serve?."

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