今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 13日

2024-04-15 | Weblog

インデックス投資 その②

We have a Korean lesson on saturdays, we learned 5 times, and everyone seems to have improved their Korean reading and vocabulary. The teacher is a Japanese, but I asked her to teach because I recognized her talent for teaching, and she is very good at teaching, they have understood for now.
When I choose the textbooks , whether the curriculum to input and output the phrases learned, and we choose them based on whether each one has a subject matter. Korean lessons are free for members, lesson has offered conducted Japanese only.

It is busy on suturdays. Some old guys happily enter the gym with eyes like a finding beetle. Our club has experienced members who help you with your practice. These people also support our club. I myself started boxing because I wanted to become stronger, but what I eventually learned is that human beings are so weak and cannot live without support. In fact, this club has became able to run thanks to the support of the trainers and members. So I respect them and want to support them in various aspects so that they can enjoy their training here to the fullest.


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