今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 12日

2024-04-13 | Weblog
Four Seasons, A. Vivaldi - Winter: I. Allegro non molto - Anastasiya Petryshak



We have been receiving inquiries from foreigners recently,  because we have an English sign for foreign people. The other day, a new foreign member said that he wanted to improve his Japanese, and I told him that our club has many people with a high level of education, and it would be good opportunity for you to learn Japanese from such people. You can master a language by actually using it, but if you want to improve your language level, you need to create an opportunity to speak it, and I think it is also important to have conversation with what kinda people at that time. I think our club is a good environment for foreigners to learn both boxing and English, because we can handle several languages. Junior, who had been learning English since he was small, seemed quite intimidated when spoken to in English, but I would like him to actively use english.

I used to listen to classical music before every match. The video is my favorite part of the four seasons, winter, played by a Ukrainian violinist.

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