今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 25日 Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

2024-04-26 | Weblog


We have a foreign members in MOB, and our new member, James, we have good chemistryand will be a helpful foreign members. Considering the sports he has played and the education, I think he is a gentleman with a well-brought up. He is 182 cm tall, weighs in the 80's, and has so much power, members were stunned when he first started doing his mitts drill. Who fight him. Everyone agreed on Edomurasaki, andWe said " you don't care about weight deffrent, you should use your technique,"  Edomurasaki said it would be impossible. Finally, Jaguar said mysteriously it is okay because he was older than him, and the first mass boxing was decided to be Edomurasaki.

New members have been increaseing from April.
MOB encourages non-contact mass boxing for practical training, but there are some members who prefer contact mass boxing like sparring, since trainers or experienced members teach them. We basically ask your own risk, however, we do not impose everything on our members as your own risk, we pay attention not to cause any problems that could be questioned if we were companies or other organizations, and we try to prevent such problems from occurring.
In mass boxing (contact boxing), we ask that you wear a mouthpiece and headgear, that you relax when you punch, that you don't get angry and punch with hostility, and that you don't do with a revenge mentality, because you were not good last time than him . We ask that you keep these things in mind as you participate in the practical training.

Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

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