今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月15日

2024-04-16 | Weblog



Our club often has over 100 mass. Recently, members in 20s is increasing, but we also have many members in 40s and 50s, and they are training just as hard as the young members. We believe sports are play. Many Japanese people believe sports are train as a monk doing, but I believe sports are for fun, and because they are fun and enjoyable, we can push ourselves beyond our limits. When you come to the gym after work and punch the mitts and punching bag as hard as you can, you can relieve stress. There is no hierarchy like in the patriarchal system in our club, so you can come to train without hesitatio although you come for the first time in the gym. We try our best to make MOB a place where members of any age can enjoy boxing.

We welcomes wimpy. Most of the people who come to MOB are really wimpy and they really hesiteted to come here. But as they continue to train practical training like a mass boxing, they somehow have recently become more confident. My motto is to be without drawing much attention in the gym, and to be the kuroko who just serves as a foil to you. I would be happy if you could enjoy training and get confidence.

We have foreign visitors. Although our basic language is Japanese, we have many members who can speak English, so we believe that foreign people can feel comfortable training with us. It is also a good opportunity to learn Japanese, so if you have any interesting, please come and visit us.


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