今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 28日

2021-09-29 | Weblog



”There is always light behind the clouds” この言葉は若草物語で有名なLouisa May Alcotの言葉です。コロナウイルスが一時的ではありますが現在収まってきています。今後もジムではコロナウイルスの知識をたくわえ、専門家の人たちのアドバイスに耳をかたむけて、いまこの時期、運営していくことの責任の重みを感じつつ、なるべくベストな決断をしていきたいと思っています。コロナが収束してまた普段通りにトレーニングできることを願います。これから寒くなってきますが、お体をおいといください。

New members will join in our club.
MOB is a boxing fitness club that is for people who want to stay fit and lose weight. Since 40% of the members are women, we have a strict no-violence policy and prohibit any activity that would scare women or children. The members are not the kind of people who come to martial arts clubs, but ordinary people, so you feel comfortable to train here.

The floor was repaired by Iwa san, and the experienced members  in MOB help with not only for training but also for the facilities. Thank you very much.

"There is always light behind the clouds" these are the words of Louisa May Alcot, famous for Little Women. The coronavirus is now decreasing temporarily. We will continue to learn more about the coronavirus, listen to the advice of experts, and make the best decisions we can while feeling the responsibility to be active at this time. I hope that the corona is under control and we can train as usual again. Please take care of yourself as the weather gets colder.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 22日

2021-09-24 | Weblog

The coronavirus has subsided a bit. In October,  so it will be even more lively, new members come and those who have been absent come back.
When the corona epidemic broke out again, we thought about suspending the gym to protect everyone's safety and social credibility, but many people still came to train and made the gym more exciting, so we didn't suspend the gym and continue our activities. I am deeply grateful for the experienced members who liven up the gym and entertain the people around them at a time like this. Coronaviruses are going on and it is impossible to predict how they will go on in the future, but there are some positive signs, such as the increasing vaccination rate and the development of medicines.
Although we are still in a state of uncertainty, we would like to continue our activities as much as possible.
We appreciate your cooperation.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 11日

2021-09-13 | Weblog
マルティンルーサーキングはこう言った”The time is always right to do what is right. ”「正しいことをするのに、時を選ぶ必要なはい」 しかしMOBは”The time is always right to do what is fun.”「楽しいことをするのに時を選ぶ必要はない」おもしろそう、やってみようと思った時がまさにその時である。


We have many middle-aged people and women in the gym. Most of the people who join the club for fitness but I sincerely hope that MOB can become a place where people can enjoy themselves as much as possible, have fun, get rid of stress, and become energized when they come here, no matter what their goals are.
It is a common practice in boxing to play music while training. I remember when I was a student, there was a Hawaiian named Ogi at the gym. He became a DJ, according to Peter, so he had a good taste in music, and he was implicitly in charge of most of the training music.
Everyone trained while listening to the rap and other music he chose, but what made me think that this was Hawaii was that when a good song came on, people would start doing shadow boxing and dancing as if they were dancing. Some of them looked like cockroaches being sprayed with insecticide and breakdancing around, but sometimes the training would get so lively that it felt like a live music club, and I didn't know what the hell we were doing here. but we had a great time training.
The time you spend at our club are for fun. There are a lot of oltusan middle-aged of guy and female here, but I want them to have fun through boxing regardless of their physical strength or age.
Martin Luther King said, "The time is always right to do what is right.", but In MOB "The time The time is always right to do what is fun." No matter who you are , When you think it sounds interesting and want to try it, that is exactly the time.

Ruriboh came after a long time. She has graduated and is now working as a Dr at a hospital in another prefecture. I sometimes send her a line when I'm worried or concerned about something, but she seems to be doing well. I'm sure she will show up at our club from time to time, and when she come, please care of her well again as usual.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 8日

2021-09-09 | Weblog


「Carpe diem」と言う私の好きな言葉がある。これは私の監督が言っていたことでラテン語の詩人ホラティウスの詩の一文、直訳すると「その日を摘め」違う日本語訳ではその日を精一杯生きろである。 私は時々、クラブの若い会員に若い人の涙はこやしになるし、恥ずかしい思いをすることは貴重なことだと言う。失敗してもいいし、負けてもいい、どうであってもすべてのことを受け入れることができるように精一杯生きると言うことにその日を生きる意味がある。 問題は判定かと言うことではない、自分がそこで一生懸命力を出せたか、そしてそのための準備をしたかということ、勝ち負けにこだわっていたら成長などするはずはない。そのことをふとハワイの空を見上げて思った。

We have a lot of women joining in September. Some members can't come to the gym at this time of year, but new members are joining. Our training is boxing training, but we are not a Junior high school or high school sports club, so working people can train in a fun and casual way. We have a particularly strict attitude towards violence. Since we have many women members in our club, we thoroughly eliminate any violent behavior that would make women or children feel scared.

To be frank, a loss is a loss, but a loss by decision is the most frustrating, because if it's by RSC or KO, it's a little more satisfying, but if it's by decision, I regret that I didn't do more. Despite these feelings, Peter and Ji eun seemed to be happy. But after the match, we took a detour and drove along the coastline to go home. It was already dusk, we drove along the coastline of Hawaii, playing a song that was popular in the 80's,. Looking at Hawaii's evening sky from the shoreline, I felt calm and relaxed, I felt at ease and didn't care that I had lost.
"There is a phrase "carpe diem". It is a phrase from a poem by the Latin poet Horatius, which translates as "pick the day," or in Japanese, "live the day to the fullest. I sometimes tell the younger members of our club that young people's tears are good food for thought and that embarrassed is a valuable thing. It's okay to fail, it's okay to lose, To live life to the fullest so that you can accept everything, no matter what is the most important. The question is not whether you will be point or not, but whether you were able to put forth your best effort and whether you prepared for it. If you are obsessed with winning and losing, you will never grow. I thought about this as I looked up at the Hawaiian sk

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 31日

2021-09-02 | Weblog

文筆家の池田昌子さんは著書「暮らしの哲学」でこう語っている。『しかし「将来」なんてものは、よく考えると、どこにも存在していない。遠い将来であれ、近い将来であれ、それはあくまでも現在の自分の観念としてしか存在していないものだから、観念として予想される将来が現在となった時、じつはその人は存在していないのかもしれないのです。それなら何のために、現在を節約して、将来に貯蓄なんかしておいたのでしょうか 健康で仕事がうまく行っている時には、そのことで自分は幸福なのだと錯覚しがちですが、病気になったり危機に際したときに、そのような幸福の危うさに、初めて気がつくことになる。現在幸福である以外に、幸福であることはあり得ない』 

The coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the country.
We will continue to protect everyone's safety and social standing, but please be sure to wear a mask at the gym. Coronavirus is a droplet infection. We exhale or inhale a lot in boxing practice, and it is dangerous to train without a mask. Also, if you go to karaoke, live music club, or other evening entertainment, please make sure to come back two weeks later or make it a priority. I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation in keeping the gym safe for training. Thank you for your cooperation. 

In her book, "Philosophy of Life," writer Masako Ikeda says, "But there is no future. However, when you think about it, "the future" doesn't exist anywhere. Whether it is in the distant future or the near future, it exists only as an idea of the person in the present, so when the future that is predicted as an idea becomes the present, that person may not actually exist. When you are healthy and your work is going well, you tend to think that this makes you happy, but when you are sick or in a crisis, you realize for the first time the danger of such happiness. There is no such thing as happiness other than being happy now.” 
The coronavirus is spreading. Many people have lost many things and their activities have been restricted and their lives have been changed, and it seems as if our future is being taken away from us. However, we can find the importance of living in the present especially right now.  It is true that there are those who are anxious about the future and wonder how to live in the present. However, by experiencing the compassion and care of others, even if only in a small way, we can be healed in some small way and gain the energy to live for the future. I am now realizing the strength of a community, a gathering of people. People need a place where they can come and feel safe. This is especially true for working people, and I hope that the gym can be a place where members can feel safe and enjoy training here, where they can get rid of their stress and gain vitality, and greatly enjoy the moment.

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