今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 29日

2023-05-30 | Weblog


Today's ratio is 4 for females and 6 for males, and it's getting hot and humid, so this is the best season for losing weight. 
My approach to run a gym is to be the kuroko. If person who has only small achivement like me put members into own style  with my such a small achivement, you would not be free, and most of all, you would not enjoy training.I think it is more interesting to create one's own style through repeated trial and, learning from others, and discovering something, and it will lead to our confidence. It is not about making them stronger, but convincing them. Boxing is not fun unless you can afford to enjoy the process rather than the goal, such as winning. MOB believe that the process is important. I think it's more about members having fun here and creating something rather than my achivement and position. And it leads to confidence in their lives, and therefore respect the views and opinions of members.


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2023-05-29 | Weblog

We will start at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 5th as I  have a lecture scheduled the day before. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 26日

2023-05-27 | Weblog


A long time ago, a member told me that our club's community is strange because there is no head of the club, but it functions well. The person has dignity rule over the community and there is a close aide under him who help him, but I basically don't have the idea of leading the community with dignity. When I try to manage community with dignity, it is difficult for members to talk to me easily,  I am not able to know what the members of the gym want or think. I try to be a neighbor, because by being a neighbor, I can hear their honest opinions ,and even worse, I can understand their real self. If I don't show dignity, when someone get used to it, he or she might reveal their true self, become selfish or arrogant. I think it is appropriate to explain what is wrong and what is annoying, and I will deal with them in an appropriate way. Many members have been with us for more than 5 years and I appreciate how supportive they are and how they create a great atmosphere by thinking around them with consideration. They have created such a great community, and I want to manage this community in a way that pleases everyone as much as possible.

Use of air conditioner in summer.
In the summer, the air conditioner is used when the indoor temperature exceeds 28 degrees Celsius. The set temperature is 26 degrees Celsius. To save electricity, we will turn off the air conditioner if possible when there are less than three people training at 9:30 pm.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 24日

2023-05-25 | Weblog


The ratio of male to female was fifty-fifty today. Many members came in the afternoon, but trainer Akiyama made them enjoy training, and I think everyone had an enjoyable training. members who had the trainer hold the mitts naturally smiled because it was so fun. Although there are many new members, most of the people who come to MOB are women or people in their 30s or older, and about 70% of the visitors are women. MOB does not see boxing as a martial art, but as a sport to keep fit.

A members were wearing new ring shoes, and ring shoes are still important for moving in the ring. You don't dare buy them, but first of all, the thickness is different from regular running shoes, and ring shoes are made to fit the canvas so that you can move easily. I recommend buying shoes rather than gloves first.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 22日

2023-05-23 | Weblog

New members have been joining us. MOB is basically a fitness boxing club for people who want to stay fit and lose weight. People who are not good at sports and older guys gather here to have fun and work out. People who come to visit often say they are a little hesitant to come to a boxing gym.
I believe that the order of a community can be held by the presence of a certain number of people who have a certain intellectual level. If we try to hold the order of the community by forcing people to greet or by having an old traditional rule, we are bound by those things, and I don't think we are free to do in the gym. It is not equal if only a few people are standout and the rest are just enrolled or they only can use the ring when such a people are not there. The order of the gym is created by each of us, and in order for everyone to enjoy training equally, it is important to understand and respect each other. A correct order will not be created by a group of people who can greet , show obedience to supervisors and seniors. I believe that a certain number of adults who think about morals and rules on a slightly higher level will create the right order. MOB is not a boxing club for junior and high school students, but a gym where everyone can feel comfortable from the perspective of members.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 20日

2023-05-22 | Weblog


ファミレスとかで注文の時によく使われる「ご注文はアイスコーヒーでよかったでしょうか」注文を聞いているのに「よかったでしょうか」ってなんか少し違和感がある。たぶん過去形をつかって言葉をあいまいにしてへりくだっているのだろうが、実はこれは英語の丁寧な表現仕方と同じである。よく「can」 「will」の助動詞を使って何かをたずねる時、過去形にするほうが丁寧だと習ったが、英語は時制をすこしぼかすことで少し丁寧に聞こえるようだ。「could」はおできになりますか?「would」ご意思はありますか?ってな感じで。

Mr. Sato came from Osaka on Saturday,  we had a very exciting day. He has been involved in the front line of amateur boxing for decades, so we can learn a lot of things from him. Mr. Sato is very popular in our gym. I think the reason why he is popular is because he teaches with a sincere attitude and respect us. He will come back next time in July. Thank you very much.

We can speak several languages including English. We welcom people come from oversea. Please Don't hesitate to visit us.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 18日

2023-05-19 | Weblog


Male to female ratio was fifthy-fifthy the same as yesterday. My European coach used to tell us to be a gentleman out of the ring. I believe he meant that you should respect your opponent. Women are the minority in boxing. Therefore, it can be somewhat intimidating and uncomfortable for women to see men acting freely in the gym, such as training shirtless, bragging about their violence story, or telling stories of their heroism. Boxing is not only for men, nor is it only for competitors. Ignoring such things and acting freely is bullying. The level of community depends on how women and children are treated. I believe that women, in particular, are a minority in the martial arts and that valuing them will improve the quality of the community.

Air conditioner is used at 28 degrees Celsius or higher. Please understand that people who want to sweat or are sensitive to air conditioner, and the use of air conditioner is to prevent heat stroke.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記5月 17日

2023-05-18 | Weblog


そこでこう説明した「the car is stoppingはどう訳すんだ?」「えーっと車は止まっている状態だ。」「stopって止まるだけど、止まっている状態ってどういうことだ」「・・・・・・・」これは車が止まっている状態を表しているのではなく、まさに今車が止まろうとしている動作をあらわしている。進行形は今まさに何かが起こっていることについて表現しているわけで、Im going to schoolも今学校に行こうとしている動作として考えれば「今学校に行こうとしている。」となる。

The ratio of male to female is fifty-fifty today, and many of those who joined in the spring are learning new skills and improving. And they are beginning to be able to do things they could not do before with the help of the trainers and others around them. In particular, skipping rope has changed from jumping with both feet to skipping with one foot, which makes it easier to keep the rhythm. Skipping rope is an essential part of training to improve footwork. If possible, I would like you to be able to skip rope for about two rounds.

It is going to be fine in weather forecast on Saturday. and Mr. Sato will be coming to Kochi.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 16日

2023-05-17 | Weblog
今日の男女比率は女性4男性6の割合でした。中高生の見学希望者が増えています。 基本的に中高生が見学に来る場合は保護者の同伴が必要です。ボクシングは他のスポーツとは違いけがをするリスクもありますし、親の保護下にある場合はこういう契約を子供が決めることは不適切だと考えているからです。実際保護者を連れてきてくれと言ったら90%はあきらめますが、ジムの常識ではなく、一般の常識を考えての対応であることをご理解ください。ちなみの保護者をきちんと連れてきてくれる人の真摯な対応については心から感謝しています。 


The ratio of male to female is 6-4 today,
The number of vistors in junior high and high school students wishing to visit the gym is increasing. Basically, We ask them to come with their parent or guardian. This is because boxing is different from other sports. There is a risk of injury, and we believe that it is inappropriate for children to make these kinds of contract since they are under the protection of their parents. In fact, if I ask them to bring a parent or guardian, 90% of them give up to come to the gym. but please understand we do not follow a common sence at the gym, but a common sence in general. We sincerely appreciate the sincerity of those who properly bring their guardians.

MOB has many members in their 40s and older. They all work hard at training and have been improving because the trainers and experienced members are teach them. Basically, MOB's view of humanity is that we are weak. However, the basic stance of MOB's teaching is that weak people support each other and cooperate with each other to improve their skills. I can observe that the trainers and members have a high level of empathy, and they try to understand and communicate what the other person cannot do from their point of view, so it is easy for the person being taught to understand. There are no people like "I am strong"," I am great". They understand our weaknesses and respond to them with wisdom and intelligence. They are putting into practice exactly "Human being is a thinking reed". 


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 15日

2023-05-16 | Weblog


It is getting much hotter. Please drink water to avoid dehydration. We have solt candy, feel free to take it. The percentage of female has been increasing since May. About half of member are female now, and they are learning boxing techniques and enjoying their training here. Recently, the numbers who have been training for a long time has been increasing, and it is common to see female members doing non-contact mass boxing with each other. Speaking of mass boxing, a national mass boxing tournament will be held soon, and trainer Akizuki plans to participate. We hope that our female members will participate in competition soon.

Lucky Star's Mr. Sato, will be coming to the gym On Saturday, May 20th. He will be teaching with a punching mitt as usual.


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